On-line Latest Topicshttps://members.camfc.co.uk/forum/37-on-line/On-line Latest TopicsenIn case you were wondering............https://members.camfc.co.uk/topic/1316-in-case-you-were-wondering/ 

........................why on earth after saying I'd do some slope and other Phoenix sessions for Club Members nothing has happened here.............


Copy of most recent mail to Phoenix "Support":-


Dear Phoenix,


You used to be so good, what happened? Now EVERY update sets the program backwards.


5.5j update states “Fixed an issue with "Use Field Weather" option on slope-soaring sitesâ€


Well, the previous update didn’t have any slope issues I had noticed, but THIS ONE DOES!!


Slope Soaring is totally broken.


Gliders have ridiculously low drag, set “Calm Day†and no thermals and I can still climb out and do several circuits with the NAN Shadow before the hand launch speed extremely slowly drops away.


At the other extreme, wind just does not work, not field weather, not my weather. All you get is wind noise, no effect.


That’s not to say that Slope is the only train wreck, as power flying has also deteriorated update on update to be now extremely unsatisfactory. Set Flying Field, Own Weather (it has no Field Weather option now), 14mph crosswind, gusts set to 0mph, and “The Beast†left static at start point gets blown away ……………… REALLY?? AT ONLY 14mph?????????


As just one example of very many other non-wind issues, the Max3D has a still wind glide so effective that even on a thermal soarer it would be considered unrealistic.


I used to recommend this program to all. I’m now embarrassed to have done so.


1316Thu, 04 Feb 2016 08:44:52 +0000
Sunday 29th - 18:30 onhttps://members.camfc.co.uk/topic/1267-sunday-29th-1830-on/ 

Phoenix session running now:-


User : Bad Raven

Session : CAMFC

Password : gate


1267Sun, 29 Nov 2015 18:28:35 +0000
Coming Shortly..............https://members.camfc.co.uk/topic/1249-coming-shortly/ 

Regular CAMFC only Phoenix Simulator sessions.


See post in "Simulators" main section.


1249Sat, 14 Nov 2015 18:05:15 +0000
Sun 10th Marchhttps://members.camfc.co.uk/topic/549-sun-10th-march/I'm about to open a session using Fickleshole as last issued.


CAMFC and gate


Don't know how long for, and you getting in might depend on how Multi is set up (have not had time to check).



549Sun, 10 Mar 2013 18:21:48 +0000
Phoenix Session - Sat or Sun Evening?https://members.camfc.co.uk/topic/527-phoenix-session-sat-or-sun-evening/Anyone interested in an online session at 8pm either Sat/Sun or both?

527Sat, 09 Feb 2013 10:16:28 +0000
Online NOW!https://members.camfc.co.uk/topic/525-online-now/I'm online in Phoenix if anyone wants to join.


CAMFC - Password: gate


Shane :plane:

525Fri, 08 Feb 2013 20:16:18 +0000
Phoenix on-line sessionhttps://members.camfc.co.uk/topic/487-phoenix-on-line-session/Will be on-line at 7.30pm this Wed, look for the CAMFC session - password will be 'gate'


Current version of Phoenix is 4.0m, make sure you're upgraded to this for things to work nicely.

487Mon, 03 Dec 2012 20:47:52 +0000
Anybody using Aerofly 5 ??https://members.camfc.co.uk/topic/342-anybody-using-aerofly-5/I got Aerofly 5.x which is amazing and it seems that none of you guys seem to have tried yet...

Aerofly Pro deluxe ( previous version ) is nothing like it!

Let me know.


342Tue, 24 Jan 2012 23:20:29 +0000
Anyone fancy a session on-line tonight? (Mon 8 May)https://members.camfc.co.uk/topic/367-anyone-fancy-a-session-on-line-tonight-mon-8-may/Will be on at 8.30pm. Will post session details when I sign in if someone hasn't already.



367Mon, 09 Apr 2012 17:27:38 +0000
Online NOWhttps://members.camfc.co.uk/topic/357-online-now/till 21:30 or so...........





357Sat, 03 Mar 2012 20:54:34 +0000
Online now until about 21.30https://members.camfc.co.uk/topic/352-online-now-until-about-2130/camfc/gate

352Sun, 26 Feb 2012 20:47:30 +0000
12/2/2012https://members.camfc.co.uk/topic/346-1222012/on line now


p: gate

346Sun, 12 Feb 2012 16:51:44 +0000
07 Feb - Online 8.45pmhttps://members.camfc.co.uk/topic/345-07-feb-online-845pm/For a bit...



p: gate

345Tue, 07 Feb 2012 19:44:09 +0000
Online Nameshttps://members.camfc.co.uk/topic/337-online-names/Would people please indicate here what username they use or will use online for Phoenix, and try to make that name consistent across all sessions?


I'm Bravedan as per user name on this forum. I won't list names I know have been used in case people wish to change.

337Mon, 23 Jan 2012 05:05:46 +0000
Tuesday 24th Janhttps://members.camfc.co.uk/topic/341-tuesday-24th-jan/Back earlier than expected, but not early enough to go to Biggin Hill Heli Indoor, so going online for a short while........now till 21:00 or so..........


CAMFC and gate

341Tue, 24 Jan 2012 20:23:48 +0000
Good Sceneries for ONLINEhttps://members.camfc.co.uk/topic/339-good-sceneries-for-online/Currently I have over 100 sceneries for Phoenix.


Many I have made from existing panoramas, some from Open Source/Commons stuff but sometimes from other Sims freeware scenery (just for my own use).


A lot of the sceneries, even some "official" ones, are not very good for online use. Some only have one start position which is a killer for multi operation online.


This one seems very good, well above average, lighting is very very good, lots of options for wind directions:-




But I have yet to test the start positions. Pegaso in Mexico. It's payware but only $3 @ PayPal so pretty safe





339Tue, 24 Jan 2012 07:08:40 +0000
Monday 23rd Janhttps://members.camfc.co.uk/topic/338-monday-23rd-jan/Online now until about 21.30


Session: CAMFC

Password: gate

338Mon, 23 Jan 2012 20:49:12 +0000
Sunday 22nd Phoenixhttps://members.camfc.co.uk/topic/336-sunday-22nd-phoenix/CAMFC and gate, online to 21:30

336Sun, 22 Jan 2012 20:22:31 +0000
Passworded sessionshttps://members.camfc.co.uk/topic/333-passworded-sessions/As this forum section is a public one then it will not be possible to supply details of passworded sessions.


Such sessions will still need to be announced in the CAMFC members section, unless I am missing something?

333Sat, 21 Jan 2012 15:20:39 +0000
Online Now @ 20:48 on Sat 21 Janhttps://members.camfc.co.uk/topic/335-online-now-2048-on-sat-21-jan/session: CAMFC

password: gate

335Sat, 21 Jan 2012 20:49:16 +0000