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C.A.M.F.C - Members & Visitors area


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Posts posted by Emma

  1. From 14th September new restrictions apply to social gatherings in outdoor spaces in England and Scotland.  The number of people allowed in an outdoor gathering has reduced from 30 to 6, appropriately socially-distanced unless from the same household.  However, organised sport is one of several exemptions to the new restrictions, provided that it is conducted in accordance with COVID-19 Secure guidelines.

    In order for us to have more than six members at the Fickleshole flying site at any one time the rules that were put in place back in May this year when we returned to flying after covid lockdown was first relaxed do apply.

    These rules are re-stated as follows:

    -         Do not come to the field if you or members of your household are unwell

    -         Do not come to the field if you or members of your household are shielding or have been designated vulnerable.

    -         Bring hand washing equipment/ hand sanitizer with you and use it.

    -         Wear suitable impermeable gloves when opening the gate/gate padlock.

    -         When parking, keep a car’s width away from the next vehicle – don’t park tight up to adjacent vehicle(s)

    -         In order to maintain 2m separation from non-household members, only three pilots on the flight line at any one time, spaced in accordance with the 2m rule and spectators to keep at least 2m away from pilots unless same household.

    -         Do not share use of field equipment with others.

    In addition, we are required to implement a Track & Trace system. This involves appointing a Track & Trace co-ordinator and keeping a record of site attendees for a 21-day period.

    Emma Chase is appointed CAMFC Track & Trace Co-ordinator, and on the occasions when site attendance exceeds six persons (which will be most Sundays and perhaps the odd weekday) then during that visit each attendee is to text his/her name to Emma on 07722 369375 so that an attendance record is created and all attendees can be readily contacted in the event of any individual developing coronavirus symptoms.

    If you do become ill with any of the recognised COVID-19 symptoms (while on site or within 10 days afterwards) contact Emma straightaway.

    During this current raised alert period attendance by spectators and non-participants is discouraged.

    If for any reason you are unable to text Emma, then please send an email on the day of your flying site visit to events@ camfc .co.uk as an alternative – please do not phone.


  2. Sorry for not replying sooner,  I've managed to borrow 2 now thank you but i'd like to get mine fixed or replaced if possible. I have taken it to work to see if i can do it. if not Trevor i might give you a shout.




  3. Hello,

    i was wondering if anyone has a non broken Phoenix rc flight simulator dongle they aren't currently using that they might be willing to lend me. My USB lead into the box has been damaged during my house move and I could really do with practicing my take offs and landings before I risk my airplane. 

    thank you for reading 



  4. Rich, it should be £50 for just you for the weekend?

    Fees if booked/reserved in advance:    £12 per night per tent/caravan or £15 on the day; plus daily entrance fee £8 for SVAS with proof of membership; or £13 per adult (note that entry to the Shuttleworth Collection is an additional £3).

    i usually pay for camping Friday and Saturday night going home on Sunday and two days entrance to the shuttleworth collection. So that's £24 for the tent and £26 per person for the museum so £50. 

  5. Fees if booked/reserved in advance:    £12 per night per tent/caravan or £15 on the day; plus daily entrance fee £8 for SVAS with proof of membership; or £13 per adult (note that entry to the Shuttleworth Collection is an additional £3).

    i usually pay for camping Friday and Saturday night going home on Sunday and two days entrance to the shuttleworth collection. So that's £24 for the tent and £26 per person for the museum so £50. 

    It can all be done through Model air and Sheila is very helpful.

  6. Hi Mike,

    thanks for popping into the shop with it yesterday. I can confirm it is a very nicely done kit, beautifully cut and I love the ply box it came in (you know you can dispose of it my way when you've finished with it lol 🤗)

     I'm looking forward to seeing it built very soon and you bringing it along to the club one night.


  7. Hello,
    Sadly we have had to make a few changes to the Event Diary this month.
    Please see the details below.
    The inter club Fun fly and BBQ scheduled for the 7th Octoberhas had to 
    be rescheduled. We are hoping to hold this event on Sunday 28th October 
    instead subject to confirmation from the Caterham and Concord Clubs. I will post again once this is confirmed, We will however hold the club fun fly competition which is Carrier Deck Landing. This will start at 12  O'clock.
    The Equaliser and Handicapped Pylon racing at the Caterham Field on the 13th October has had to be moved to the 20th October.
    The Flying Scale competition on the 14th October has sadly had to be cancelled and will now be held next year.
    Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience these changes may cause.
    Kind Regards
    Croydon Airport Model Flying Club
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