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FRSky Users in CAMFC please read (AGAIN)

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You may have read about this, but in case it has passed you by, or you have not realised the impact, please read on.


There are increasing numbers of reports of link problems while in flight with EU "Listen before Transmit" firmware equipped FRSKY Rx's. Like Spektrum a few years ago, currently all this is unsubstantiated and perhaps fuelled by some people's inability to install gear correctly, but better safe than sorry, Eh?


FRSky users who now get new UK sourced Rx's will get the EU firmware installed on supply, like it or not. (I have just got three). These will NOT work with the pre-EU firmware in the Tx as previously supplied. However, it is currently possible to back date the firmware on these.


As previous post with this title, from next year all new radio gear must be designed so that ONLY locally legal software/firmware can be used.


The law is not retrospective, so existing gear in use can continue as before. However, you will not IT SEEMS from the information extant now be able to use new Rx's as MOST PROBABLY they will not be able to run pre-EU firmware. You MAY (or may not) be able to buy offshore sourced "world" status firmware equipped gear. (Don't forget, these Rx's transmit as well as receive)


Be aware though the the USA is considering similar legislation and if that happens I suspect all countries will rapidly follow.


Currently all UK bought gear I'm getting is being back modded to pre-EU state to match the Tx and existing Rx's, which are all still in pre-EU status.


I intend to get a Horus when released, which will AFAIK only be available legally as 2016 EU compliant. I'll worry about EU firmware on any existing Rx's then and not before!


If you already have EU firmware in use, I strongly suggest you do one off very thorough full range (not just power down) testing on any new installation before use INCLUDING using telemetry? A small pain to offset possibly a much bigger one!


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