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Lipo fire

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I couldn't get my taranis to bind to my new tek sumo flying wing, so I gave up and put took the plane to the garage. I tried to put it on an old radio, and plugged the battery in. It began to smoke and fizz, and soon began to smoke heavily and red hot once I had chucked it out the window, the grass being burned and all of the wires very much melted.. It was brand new. Any ideas to why this happened?

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I couldn't get my taranis to bind, so I gave up and put took the plane to the garage. I tried to put it on an old radio, and plugged the battery in. It began to smoke and fizz, and soon began to smoke heavily and red hot, once I had chucked it out the window. It was brand new. Any ideas to why this happened?


So you plugged the Li-po battery into another radio?


Or you plugged the Li-po in the ESC?


Or you plugged the Li-po into a receiver?



edit :- lol editing as I read it :)


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I plugged the lipo into the ESC, and it went boom.


hmmm, maybe just a bad Li-po / ESC from new...but!


If I remember right, your ESC had a JST connector on it "Red small thing"! And I have seen in the passed people push them HARD together the wrong way around....But it dose takes some doing, you would know something was wrong from the start of doing it, anyway. :?


I also take it the 3 wire's of the ESC, that go to the motor didn't touch? That would most likely hurt / damage the ESC anyway!



It sounds like the Li-Po battery got arc / arced "sp", in some way!



Edit :- Make sure your battery and ESC connector are the right way around! e.g both have the same.... "+ to +"Red" and - to -"Black"

I have seen in the passed some connector done the wrong way around, so they go together right, but the polarity are the wrong way to each other!

You some times see this in cheap chinese rc stuff! :?


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