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Hobbyking Tek Sumo ARF -£60 for hours of fun

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Just ordered my second Tek sumo flying wing. The airframe is £27, so you cant really go wrong. You can have a docile setup, or a 60-70mph setup. I personally went for the rocket setup, but since my last one weighed nearly twice the recommend weight, and was hard to land in wind because it glided so far, I think weight isn't a problem, and who says I need to use full power all the time? Hobbyking say a 1000mah 3s, which I obeyed, but it needed 120g nose weight, which is silly for a 300g plane. I am now using a 2200ma, so I have useful weight. People say to put the electronics on top, and cut the holes in the top, but I have had no problems, so for the hassle, I left it. Post pics asap. For the price its dumb to say no. the wing can also handle some wind as I proved with even MY piloting skills last sunday (it was windy, and I'm not that good @ flying).

B :wink:


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