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Blade "Inductrix" Quad modded to FPV

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The Inductrix is a great little tool, not the least because its ducted fan means it can bump into all sorts of things with impunity.


Its "problem" is that standard it cannot successfully carry FPV gear, even the tiny micro combos.


This is resolved by fitting upgraded motors (not from Blade). They are a plug in part.


This results in an increased current draw that the PCB ESCs can handle but the std battery cannot, so a larger battery is essential.


I ran the motors in very carefully, probably more carefully than most would. Time alone will tell how long they last, but you do have to accept that they are being driven quite hard.


Once done, its great fun and can fly indoors around the house or outdoors in near still conditions.


I am supplying power a little differently from others, who are max-ing out at 205mAh packs. I’m using wider format Hubsan 107 Quad packs made by Overlander. I have tested both the 280mAh cell from the std 107 and the upgraded 380mAh from the camera equipped 107. Both work and despite its greater weight the larger pack does not seem to overload the system and offers greater duration.


I have flown a 380 mAh cell pack while sat in the dining room via the hall, kitchen, hall, lounge, conservatory, lounge, hall, up stairs, main bedroom, hall, down stairs, two complete ccts and return to dining room for a few circuits. This was with the early lower power output Spektrum camera unit, yet I had no video break up at all. Quite impressive.


This morning I was flying a hoops and cones cct round my garden, great fun. (1 pool noodle per loop is used "planted" with duct taped on metal rod tent pegs)


Great FPV learning tool as the costs are low and the chance of damage incurring costs very low.


Approx costs................


Inductrix £36 (Spektrum bind n fly)

Camera £38

3D printed camera mount £3

4 "fast" upgrade Motors £21


I'm running it with a £60 GearBest headset, so you do not have to spend lots to successfully fly FPV.


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OK, so what follows is a quick n dirty test flight video.


It's actually recorded by taking AV out from a Flysight Black Pearl screen, and feeding it into a Windows laptop via a clone "EasyCap" device.





My headset gives a bit better picture, BTW!


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