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Weston Cougar 4000

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I am sure, I've seen a super size Cougar 2000....maybe at Wings & Wheels years and years ago!

A nice ARTF larger than standard model is the RipMax Acro Wot XL.......Colour scheme is a bit, so, so! But you can put a 25 / 35 CC engine in it and its under 7kg!

Would / could be a good first time petrol plane! Was flying one a few weekends ago.......

Shame the XL Wot4 is 45/55 cc engine and over 7kg!

P.s You can get the Acro Wot XL kit for around £200, which is not a bad price for a 80"ish model!

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The wot 4 xl is! It seems great as it is meant for aerotowing, but hey ho :

The acrowot xl is as you say a briliant model but I get the impression it needs all the large model equipment, yet isn't really a large model. I think I would go for the regular one.

In a article on rcme a while back there was a picture of a scratch built "mega wot" - a 100cc wot 4. Now that is cool :wink:

Enlarging designs is really quite easy! Just add thicker materials and strengthening and you are good to go! I enlarged a hobbyking tek sumo flying wing up to 400%, or with a 4m wingspan, for slope soaring. Absolutely brilliant fun with two standard servos and a 4.8v battery!

Of course that was foam and no motor I imagine a balsa IC version is much harder to plan and construct.

I personally have always wanted to enlarge a trainer. IE trainer XXL. For large model training, such as power box systems, two or more rx batteries, two rx and so on... :wink: About 60cc or so. Think of the flour bombs we could drop from that :D

See you tomorrow?

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The acrowot xl is as you say a briliant model but I get the impression it needs all the large model equipment, yet isn't really a large model. I think I would go for the regular one.

Indeed its not that big at all! But for most people / flyer's 80inch is still a larger model! When it comes to the LMA test you have to use a large model.....which is over 80inchs. "most flyer take the test with something bigger"

Also for most clubs, 7kg is the max weight as well! "as you know"

When it comes to the equipment, you would only need say 6kg servos all round.......I would also go metal geared as well! And nothing else that super at all! Just a standard set-up for the most part.......

Enlarging designs is really quite easy! Just add thicker materials and strengthening and you are good to go! I enlarged a hobbyking tek sumo flying wing up to 400%, or with a 4m wingspan, for slope soaring. Absolutely brilliant fun with two standard servos and a 4.8v battery!

Of course that was foam and no motor I imagine a balsa IC version is much harder to plan and construct.


Indeed seen lots of enlarged plan's / kits "mosty self done"! But sometimes it don't work well......

I personally have always wanted to enlarge a trainer. IE trainer XXL. For large model training, such as power box systems, two or more rx batteries, two rx and so on... :wink: About 60cc or so. Think of the flour bombs we could drop from that :D

These is the LMA Genesis trainer, which can take up to a 65cc engine! But its a full build kit and looks like a crapo Acro Wot :lol: Would be cool to have a 100inch+ Boomerang trainer.

A lot of the big trainers are also made for towing as well, or become scale looking training planes!

I have also flown the Pilot RC 90" trainer.......

But none of that stuff needs power box, 2x rx etc etc! But there nothing stopping you from using it, well a part from money :)

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During the war there was a prototype mustang. There were two strapped together by the wings. I think it was called something like the p-82 or p-85 of summat like that. The Germans also did a bf109 "Z".

Now that would be cool :D I've always wanted to join a jet club once I get more experience but it cost a TON, and needs much more building experience than I have :mrgreen:

For now I'll stick to a cougar :lol:

See you later,


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