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Blade 130S

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Pre-ordered and received mine and flown in the back garden OK. but on the first forward flight circuits at an Indoor it tried to attack the person standing to my left so I grabbed it out of the air, suffering several cuts, but at least the person didn't get it in his face.




It had glitched the tail motor very briefly twice in as many seconds and I was trying to get it down in one piece when it spooled up and came at us. I had no control nor time for Hold to spool it down even if it had worked (Fail safe had been set on all zeros)..




Post Mortem, firstly, the manual recommends to bind to 11mS. While I had read this, it was not warned as essential and my Tx had bound to 22mS three times so I'd given up, thinking my Tx (metallic grey pre Euro DSM2/DSMX DX9) could not manage 11mS.




By Emailing out to my Indoor group that I was later back home able to set 11mS manually without rebinding, I saved another member possibly doing the same with a brand spanking new black case DX8, which had bound 22mS and he had not even seen the tiny manual indication for 11mS.




There are emerging instances of others experiencing tail motor glitching on left turns when the single very short aerial is pretty much masked from the Tx. Only a tiny sample so far but it appears to be worse with the higher "C" rated Nano-Tech, etc type cells. (I'm running 450/460mAh 3S 65C)




(The ESC has a ferrite ring, unusual for Blade, so maybe they have experienced something similar in development?!)




Incidentally, on the recommended 300mAh LiPo the heli balances extremely rearwards, it is still a little rearward on the 450/460 size.




Both he and I flew them today, he on 300s, me on 460s, and they flew perfectly on 11mS.




Suggest you are a bit careful though!



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