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Cougar 2000 and other models on Phoenix

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Hi all,

Stumbled across a post on RCGroups with hundreds of user-made models available for download for Phoenix. Among those listed was an IC Cougar 2000 which I thought may be worth sharing here, since I know a couple people at the club (including me) own one. I've also made an electric edit to suit the spec of my one. Drop a comment if yours is electric too and I can post the electric variable file, as well as installation instructions (slightly different). To get the stock model into phoenix, right click the zip file once downloaded, click "extract all" and choose the location as Documents > PhoenixRC > Downloaded > Models > User-Made > Airplanes

NB the downloaded model seems horribly tail heavy. If you want to fix it then, with the Cougar selected within Phoenix, go to Model > Edit > (Detailed Mode) > Model > Physical > Centre of Gravity and set Z to -0.12 (and while you're there set X to 0 otherwise the plane will be ever so slightly unbalanced laterally).

Comment if you have any questions about it.

Here's a link to the RCG post: https://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?2382571-User-Built-Models-for-PhoenixRC&highlight=User Built Models for PhoenixRC#post31220771 To download a model, pay attention to the number next to its name, then click on the link and scroll down to the post with the corresponding number and download the zip file. Then follow the steps as above

Happy simulated landings! ;)



Edited by orange_rc_pilot
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Some of the later issued models by Rick use the Phoenix package input method, NOT a zip file.

(BTW, there's some of my work in that thread, tuning and complete models with Rick)

With regard the "rearward CG" of the Cougar, though I had no input to that one, it's a Fun Fly, it's SUPPOSED to have a rearward CG and the worst part about the "real" Cougar is getting the gear in far enough back to make it work well without just adding weight.

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1 hour ago, Bravedan said:

Some of the later issued models by Rick use the Phoenix package input method, NOT a zip file.

(BTW, there's some of my work in that thread, tuning and complete models with Rick)

With regard the "rearward CG" of the Cougar, though I had no input to that one, it's a Fun Fly, it's SUPPOSED to have a rearward CG and the worst part about the "real" Cougar is getting the gear in far enough back to make it work well without just adding weight.

I had no idea some of those were yours! They're all brilliant; looking forward to downloading some more. I'm in no way a funfly pilot so I had no idea about the aft CG factor. I learn something every day! The -0.12 CG is nice for cruising around, but I have yet to try any funfly manoeuvres. I'll move it back a couple cms when I do.



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None in that specific thread are exclusively mine, but I have teamed up with "Rickp" on a few.   In the past I have done a number of 3D models and skins for Flight Sim and three figures numbers for Train Sim.

The "Spin Delta" in that thread is a design of mine, and I sent the details and graphics photos to Rick, and then "tuned" the model close to "real".

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