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C.A.M.F.C - Members & Visitors area

Balancing LiPo Batteries

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Decided to pull this out rather than include in another thread.

Most Chargers have a LiPo Balance feature. Many "hide" this so when you choose LiPo it shows "Charge" and only if you go on down the menu tree does it then show "Balance". This catches a few people out, and a good few have thought that "Charge" does balancing (not on this firmware!) or that "Balance" means only balance, not do a balanced charge as it does..

Even with that out the way, it has to be said that Chargers generally SUCK at balancing well while charging a pack!

I have for some years been using a "Two Meter" to occasionally better balance packs, and this does a much better job than the Charger.

However, recently I have obtained a device from ISDT called the "BattGO" (Code BG-8S). This is both faster and more accurate. It also has a super clear display, AND it can be used to show the signal PPM/PWM/S BUS with receivers to trouble shoot those areas too.



Well worth considering.  Beginning to be widely sold, but mine came from Banggood.


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