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C.A.M.F.C - Members & Visitors area

Models, Engines and Motor

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Hiya All,

I'm looking to buy a new model, and due to my restricted teenage budget I'm putting some stuff up for sale to raise funds. I have listed prices, but I am also open to sensible offers or negotiation. Please do not hesitate to ask any questions or ask for any more pictures. Viewing or collection will be at the field.

So, for sale are the following;


 ASP 36 (Good condition) - Has been in the front of a cougar 2000 for a short period of time before being put into storage. Has only had 20-odd flights on it due to the plane being crashed into very soft ground, and has since been stripped, cleaned, serviced and run by an experienced and seasoned CAMFC modeller. A very nice and powerful little engine, comes with rear tuning needle for £30.

OS MAX 55 AX (Good condition) - Was bought second hand from a CAMFC member for not much off of the original brand new price to be put into a new project. It has been run in but not used since, due to the said project not making it off of the bench. An extremely powerful and reliable engine, comes with OS Powerbox muffler for  just £45.

EnErG Pro 600 brushless outrunner 1100 (C35-14) (New condition) - Brand new and never used, bought for another project that has long since been forgotten. Capable of 1.5kg of thrust on a 3s with 13x6 prop. Bought  for £43, for sale today for £35.

FMS F-16 Falcon 70mm EDF (Used condition) - Acquired second hand as yet another project that I have lost interest in. It appears to have been crashed, but has been thoroughly repaired by the previous owner. Comes with servos, but no fan or motor. Bought for £60 at Avicraft a year ago, not touched by myself, yours for £35.

4ch Balsa Electric Trainer (Pristine condition) - A plane with no name bought from a very experienced modelling friend, that would be perfect as a first trainer or a nice summer model for everybody else. It appears to be covered in solarfilm and was originally made for a brushed power setup, although it will be a very easy brushless conversion. It is extremely well made and comes with servos.  Cannot give any other details other than a 55 inch wingspan and 40 inch length. Yours for only £45.


Pictures are below, sorry they are not in the correct order, but that's the way with the forum!


As I said before, please don't hesitate to ask any questions or ask for more pics.

Thanks for looking,


B :)










OS-55 (4).JPG

OS-55 (3).JPG

OS-55 (2).JPG


Motor (2).JPG


F-16 (4).JPG

F-16 (5).JPG

F-16 (3).JPG


F-16 (2).JPG


ASP-36 (4).JPG

ASP-36 (2).JPG

ASP-36 (3).JPG


Trainer (2).JPG

Trainer (3).JPG

Edited by Pilot Ben
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Hi Ben,

I am looking for a cheap trainer for my son to learn to fly. Do you still have the red and yellow trainer and if so, what would your best price be?


Darren Wygers

CAMFC member


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