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C.A.M.F.C - Members & Visitors area


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Up for sale today is my beloved OS MAX 35AX.

Made with Japanese quality it is a powerful, small and light engine suitable for funfly and lighter models alike. Bought about a year ago it has been in the front of my cougar ever since. It has had around 75 flights on it, so is still very much a new item. Despite being in a funfly plane I have only used it in 2 competitions (fast and slow + donut drop) so it has not been crashed or used harshly. It is one of the best, if not the best engine I have used, being unbelievably reliable, and starting with only the slightest flick or spin. Its reliability is best shown by the fact that it has only ever gone deadstick once, and that was due to fuel starvation! I am selling due to the very reluctant acceptance that electric power is best for funfly. As an added bonus it has been tuned and adjusted to perfection by nearly every experienced member in the club.

It has all of the original parts, including the original OS No.8 glow plug. It comes in original packaging with box and instructions. The engine itself is in perfect condition.

Bought new from SMC for £164.99, I'm asking £100, but I am very much open to any sensible offers, so please do contact me to discuss.

The buyer is also welcome to first inspect/bench run the engine before any purchase is made.


Thank you for looking,


B ;) 












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