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For those that missed it this week - 


Seems like the RAF has finally got moving; with the Tonkas being phased out from Marham next year, the first four F-35Bs having arrived in the UK recently and now the Tempest being announced at Farnborough. 

Based on experience from the F-35 however, 17 years from cardboard mock-up to remotely operated operational fighter aircraft does seem a little ambitious I think, especially with the previous reliability of the MODs funding.  It's very likely that the unveiling of the new aircraft was also a political move also, with this theory being backed up by the rather bold statement that the RAF would be the first air force to have remotely piloted combat aircraft...

BTW, despite looking new, the airframe is actually from the 90s and was in fact put aside by the MOD in favour of the F-35Bs from LM and the US. After seeing the much-higher-than-quoted cost of the F-35 however, Britain, France, Germany and Japan (potential customers of the aircraft) are setting about designing their own 6 generation fighter aircraft. However, due to BREXIT, the UK has been booted off of the Franko-German project so is going in alone with BAE on point.

Lets see how it all plans out in the next few years, and whether or not the Tempest will end up like the TSR-2...


B ;)

Edited by Pilot Ben
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Unfortunate naming as the first time around the Typhoon was also technically outgunned by the Tempest, but which was more successful and lasted better?

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Agreed. I read somewhere (official) that the name Tempest had been chosen as the main backers wanted to "resurrect" the original name. It also said that they thought that it would get a better response from the public.

Quite honestly it is a huge undertaking, and if we're going to design one of the first 6th gen fighters, I'm not entirely sure that an untested and rejected 90's design is the best place to start. I have also just read that we are trying to get Sweden on board too.

I'm not able to post any pictures as the forum seems to be glitching out again, but from the majority of photos, is it just me that sees the similarity to the F-22?



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