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Irresponsible BBC Reporting

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So following on from the BBC's terribly irresponsible reporting regarding 1 Air Lingus pilot and an "unconfirmed sighting of an object" outside of the Gatwick Exclusion Zone, here:


I decided that enough is enough and wrote to the BBC to ask 2 questions:

Q1. Who wrote and titled the article, or at the very least was responsible for it being published?

Q2. What facts do you have to prove the 1 pilot had seen a drone?

Well, in true BS fashion, the reply I got from the BBC South East edior today was this:


Thank you for your email. The report states that three flights were diverted, and Gatwick Airport said it had investigated an "unconfirmed sighting of an object" outside its exclusion zone. A spokeswoman confirmed an Aer Lingus pilot made the initial report. We confirmed all of these details with the airport and all the information we were provided with by the airport is included in the story.

I hope that sets out our position and explains why we wrote this story.

Kind regards
Lee Gibbs
Digital Editor
BBC South East
01892 675602

Basically he just wrote back repeating what the article had said and avoided my question completely!

So I replied back to him reminding him that I knew what the article states, and that he had completely ignored my 2 questions, and could he please answer the questions.

Please do feel free to let Mr Gibbs (https://twitter.com/leegibbs_) know if you are dissatisfied with the reporting of Gatwick events as it seems to be his department that keeps inserting the words "Drone" into everything that moves anywhere in the South East!

I will continue to keep on his case until he provides satisfactory evidence that backs up the BBC's use of the word "Drone" and failig that I'll be asking them to re-word there articles to stick to only what they can actually prove.

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