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Anybody using Aerofly 5 ??

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Sorry, have not tested "5", might well be better, might even actually be missing out, but having tested a wide range (most) of the Sims over the years inc Aerofly in earlier incarnations, and owning currently four RC Sims, THE most consistently effective AND cost effective product is still Phoenix IMO.


"5" is notionally £119 for the UPGRADE? I notice that places are selling (dumping?) Pro for £60 or less (£140 plus normally).

Measure that against Phoenix WITH a DX5e Transmitter for £117 (Amazon, current) or £125 (Al's), or around £80 sans Tx (with free updates and extras ongoing such as scenery/planes/etc).


Interesting that a quick "Google" actually comes up with few places selling "5".


There is a point where visual "realism" exceeds the prime reason for an RC Sim, to train people to fly models better, jury's out on Aerofly, which is fast heading for mainstream Flight Sim territory rather than RC Sim.


Happy to be proved wrong, show us what it does for RC flying training and improvement that Phoenix doesn't?

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Well, I never said whether the new Aerofly 5 was better than Phoenix or viceversa.

Simply that is has been a major update since previous Pro deluxe version with new physics engine, improved graphics and new 4D sceneries which are amazing.


I used phoenix for a while as well as other sims and when I came across with Aerofly 5 I was just impressed by the overall quality, including the level of customization for training and the incredible level of detail for both models and sceneries.


Graphics realism are very important in my opinion as I like to have a sim that is as close as possible to the real thing as well as a pleasure to play with. On the other hand the physics engine which has been re designed completely from Pro deluxe it is outstanding in terms of dynamic windfields, thermals and wind simulation.

All this I don't think it makes Aerofly 5.x a flight simulator but a serious RC simulator.


Maybe a bit more expensive than Phoenix but Ikarus, the company behind, releases updates for Aerofly every often with new models, sceneries and new features for free to customers. 8)


Not trying to prove anything to anybody just making my point.

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I've got pro deluxe version but haven't used it since about 2weeks after I got it, will have to fire it up again and see what's new!


Hope it doesn't try to charge me for updating it?

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  • 8 months later...

OK, I'm back on this thread to eat my words...


I picked up a copy of Aerofly 5 recently for a fraction of its retail price from a guy who was selling up. After extensive testing between it and Phoenix, I can honestly say I think Aerofly has the more realistic flight model through all aspects. It looks nice too and generally feels more real, but that is a secondary concern to good physics. Not to say Phoenix is half bad...


Is it worth four times the price of Phoenix? Unlikely, unless you're in the top few percent of fliers. But, if you can get a cheap copy - it's darn good. For reference I also have Aerofly Professional Deluxe which is very dated an nowhere near as good as either of the above.


Jonathan - let's do some online sessions of Aerofly sometime?

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