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C.A.M.F.C - Members & Visitors area

Indoors for 2013-14 season

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I know I'm usually talking to myself here, but as a reminder I ran some Indoor flying sessions for Rotary and Fixed Wing last winter that were nothing at all to do with CAMFC, holding them at Charles Darwin Sports Centre (School), Biggin Hill on a Friday evening.


These were strictly invite/pre book only, NO turn up and fly.


Keeping to very low numbers to get the best combination of people against hall space, and with a level of pre-booking/payment I just about broke even over the season, having £2 in hand over the hall fees to start this year with!!!


Despite another Sports Hall closure in the area putting more pressure on hall bookings at CD, it looks as though I will be able to offer similar for the 2013-2014 season of end Oct/Nov - March. A change from last year may be an hour later start to 20:00 - 22:00 which might help those getting from work or travelling any distance. Probably one per month.


If I have NOT already been in touch with you, and you'd like to take part or know more, PM me here.



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