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C.A.M.F.C - Members & Visitors area

Indoor Flying Dates

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I now have dates for Indoor Flying sessions at the larger hall, Charles Darwin Sports Centre, Biggin Hill.


These are all Fridays, all 20:00 - 22:00 (later than before to give workers more chance of attending) :-




15th November

13th December




17th January

7th February


as before, £6 per session, all sessions are pre-book only NO turn up and fly, as like last season I'm controlling numbers to the minimum group size to try to break even overall while giving the maximum possible flying time to attendees.



Please advise interest by PM if not already contacted by EMail.




Dave Bran

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Longer, about the same width, same height but a lighting trunking grid lowers it a little (but the flouro lighting is better on the eyes).


As I restrict numbers to ten or so absolute max, aiming for only eight, there is oodles of room for several Helis even flying circuits across the width, and I have flown various micros like Parkzone Micro Sukhoi XP and Trojan, and various foamies like RoundOne, Nutball, Firefly, etc.


One member has flown a 150g depron stealth bomber which was "quite fast"...... We alternated between laughing and ducking............ :mrgreen:


On other occasions I have flown circuits with a 500 Heli in less than half of it, and have hovered and slowly moved about a 600 scale, so its not small, though my sessions are limited to 400 and for that size a demonstable ability to fly one well enough!


Point is, I'm running such restricted numbers against the hall charge in order to get good uncrowded access and a friendly "micro-club" atmosphere for the time and space available that I cannot accept people saying they want to, then backing out or not appearing, either on cost grounds or in freezing out others who want to, so be pretty sure you want to before committing as it is, like last year, pay when you book ! :wink:

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