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C.A.M.F.C - Members & Visitors area


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 24/06/20 in Posts

  1. Rob at Avicraft has re-opened the doors again to us with the usual social distancing rules applying. Although screens currently feature around the sales counter, Rob obviously hopes these can be dismantled given the passage of time and further easing of Covid restrictions. When you visit, you will immediately notice Rob`s new shop layout. There is more customer space and revised racking for all the common bits and pieces needed to build and operate your models. It's a great improvement which will become even better once the screens can be taken down. Go and have a look. You won`t be
    1 point
  2. The TT is almost finished. It's fully covered with just a pseudo basic white and RAF detailed colour scheme. It resembles to a certain extent the colour scheme often seen on Coastal Command Sunderland flying boats. I think it suits the model reasonably well. My grand-daughter likes the model and I`ve told her it is likely to make an unusual trainer. Hopefully I can see if she might like to learn to fly in due course. She is only six and her attention span is still a little limited. Time will tell. Presently an issue exists with the ESC units. Sourced from George at 4-Max there appears to
    1 point

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