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Showing content with the highest reputation on 26/06/21 in all areas

  1. With my first Stampe build complete, it`s time for a second one! Using the same French Bulconcept plan used with a short kit sourced from Guix Model, I decided to produce my own kit of reproduction parts and save the rather high cost of importing a second Guix kit. Before building the Guix Model kit, I pen traced around all the parts onto appropriately sized core balsa and ply stock. I produced two reproduction kits for future use once I`d finished the first Stampe. The future has indeed arrived with the first Stampe being ready to fly. I`ve today started to build from one of my repr
    1 point
  2. I got "Robbed" again...... Robs ceiling collection of used models always holds an attraction for me. Once again a glance to the ceiling at Avicraft proved too much for me. A big red and white 82" Gee Bee caught my eye. Battered,dirty and generally of down at heal appearance, the model had obviously seen significant battle action during its flying career. A date stamp on a wing root suggests this model was manufactured in 2002. Rob told me this model although big, was light enough to be allowed to be permitted to fly within our local FRZ restrictions. The model required a four stroke 180 s
    1 point

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