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C.A.M.F.C - Members & Visitors area


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johnboy last won the day on October 15 2018

johnboy had the most liked content!

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5 Neutral

About johnboy

  • Rank
    Flight Lieutenant

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  1. Hi Rich

    Haven't received my newsletter yet, have they gone out ?


    1. Rich


      Yep. Last night.

    2. johnboy


      Still no news letter & not in spam or trash, what do i do now ?


    3. Rich


      Check that your email address that you use here in the forums is correct. If it is, do you know how to whitelist an email sender?

      Have had a few people claim that Gmail has renamed their newsletter to something else...

      Remind me on Monday night, will have a look..

      As a backup though, the newsletters are all here on the website too, in the "Downloads" section:


  2. I think James has the right idea, it has to be I c for me.
  3. johnboy


    Thanks for the offer Arun the engine is for a seagull Space Walker2 so I really want to keep the engine size to a 70/72 Four Stroke.
  4. johnboy


    Wanted a 70/72 four stroke engine in good condition for a winter project.
  5. Third from top with the blue side is my one. ( fame at last ! ) John
  6. Dave while I think of it you asked me to remind you about the dial gauge I could borrow, any time will do it isn't urgent. John
  7. johnboy


    Thanks a lot Rod, see you at Hever. John
  8. johnboy


    Thanks Martin I have a tank from my seagull trainer but it's too big. I want the tank for my Piper Cub as I would like to fly for more than 5 mins. John
  9. johnboy


    Fuel tank wanted, 4ins long 2 1/2ins wide 1 3/4 ins deep all measurements are approx. Or swap with my DU-BRO S4 tank. John
  10. The grass cutters will be applying weed killer on Monday or Tuesday ( weather permitting ) . John
  11. My next door neighbour is Hungarian.
  12. Lanc flying into Biggin Hill this morning round about 11.45 - 12 00. going up to have a look. John
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