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C.A.M.F.C - Members & Visitors area


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Everything posted by karlpaine

  1. Hi Martin, Thanks for the message. I've heard good things about it's suitability as a trainer, so I'm pretty pleased with it. Got the airframe and an SC 46 engine for a good price, both of which are unused. I'll look into converting to a taildragger, but if not will give you a shout about that nose leg at some point. Karl
  2. Hi Trevor, Thanks for the reply. I was thinking more of the actual plane itself, just to see if there were any alternative options. I've heard the Arising Star is a pretty suitable model. Karl.
  3. Hi all, I'm due to pick up an Arising Star airframe complete with SC 46 engine, Thursday evening. Just wondered if anyone had anything suitable for a first IC plane that they would consider selling? Thanks in advance, Karl
  4. Good evening all, I hope you are all well??? I have been flying RC for roughly 6 months, but only really in local fields and some privately owned land I have access to. I have joined a club fairly local to me and am having my first 'assisted flight' there on Sunday, which I'm really looking forward to. I've taught myself to a reasonable standard, and the feedback I've had on other forums has been pretty positive. I'm absolutely loving it. I visited the sight at the Old Croydon Airport, and absolutely loved it. I have a Wot4 foam-e, which I do most of my learning on, and an E-fl
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