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Posts posted by Trevor

  1. At the field today (Wednesday 26/9/18) a young man on a motorbike appeared from the far corner, left of the oak tree.  When he saw us he beat a hasty retreat but we heard him riding around the next field.  We didn't see him long enough to note any details of the bike but he wasn't wearing any protective gear or even a helmet. just a T-shirt and jeans so apparently not a road rider.  Not sure if the farmer can block that particular gap but we might approach him about it.

  2. My tuppence worth, 4 strokes occasionally need valve gaps adjusting which 2 strokes don't. This is a straightforward process involving a feeler gauge, screwdriver and small spanner.  Otherwise they are very similar to set up and run. 

  3. All Laser engines show as out of stock which is unlikely.  I suggest you try the "Ordering" tab and contact them.  I agree with Shane the Lasers are excellent probably the easiest to own though a little bit more expensive than ASPs.  They generally have good resale value too.   I own several ASPs and they are quite reliable too (except my .80FS one which just wont tune for some reason)  Never owned the 1.20 though.

  4. Yes, if a battery is not holding a charge it should be binned.  No amount of cycling will restore it safely.  Cycling a battery can tell you if it holding a charge.  Personally,  i renew my Rx and Tx batteries every 2-3 years regardless

  5. The other advantage of cycling them occasionally is that you can tell if they are giving full or sufficient capacity.  Sometimes they appear to be fully charged but only give a few hundred maH instead of the 1000maH or more they should give, which can catch you out after a few flights

  6. Ben

    No need to discharge nimh packs, I just do a top up charge the day i want to fly.  Every now and then i cycle them (every 3 months or so) as that is supposed to prolong life.  Also depends if they are the low discharge kind

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