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Trevor last won the day on June 23 2019

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25 Excellent

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About Trevor

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    Air Commodore

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  1. Sorry to hear of your fathers passing Mike. The workshop looks great!
  2. This looks like a nice stable twin. Hope to see it fly sometime
  3. Spitfire in near miss at Biggin Hill https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-48413109
  4. Might be able to fix the lead for you, depending on how broken it is
  5. Interesting alternate form of propulsion. Bit like a Dyson desk fan I think. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/technology-46310975/sci-fi-plane-with-no-moving-parts-flies-successfully
  6. At the field today (Wednesday 26/9/18) a young man on a motorbike appeared from the far corner, left of the oak tree. When he saw us he beat a hasty retreat but we heard him riding around the next field. We didn't see him long enough to note any details of the bike but he wasn't wearing any protective gear or even a helmet. just a T-shirt and jeans so apparently not a road rider. Not sure if the farmer can block that particular gap but we might approach him about it.
  7. Somewhere there is a little green man wiping bakewell crumbs from his eating orifice
  8. Yes, the professional uses for drones are limitless
  9. Amazing! What wingspan is it?
  10. Existing LiPos are only 3.7V per cell but several cells in series give more voltage. Wondering if the technology is scalable to more powerful cells for other than small tech use. I guess time will tell.
  11. See http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-41187824. Safer non-flammable lithium batteries may be on the way.
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