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C.A.M.F.C - Members & Visitors area

Cougar 2000 V2 - COMPLETED

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For those of you that have not owned a cougar, you really need to. I am, as many of you now know, an aspiring acrobatic pilot and wanted a plane to fit the bill. I had four choices:

Wot 4



Limbo Dancer


I liked the Wot 4, but I couldn't hover and "float" with it. The Limbo Dancer was a kit, so that was a no too. My info on the Fusion was sketchy and sparse. The cougar looked good and, after a test flight with Emay, I decided it was the plane for me. It is simple to assemble and is extremely durable. My ASP 36 found a spacious home and my Hitec servos fitted in snugly.


The Cougar, does what is says on the tin. "The Ultimate Hovering Machine"

The ONLY fault I found was the color scheme, which despite the all purple bottom and yellow top, is still quite confusing. I solved this by using some hobbyking orange tape on the bottom of the wing.

If you want a plane that you can fly and not worry about crashing, the Cougar 2000 V2 is for you.......


So my Cougar is finally complete.I'm running Hitec HS322HD servos for ailerons, rudder and elevator. Due to the small space in funfly aircraft, I'm using a HItec HS81 micro for the throttle. An X6R receiver fits in nicely. I'm using an ASP 36 from Just Engines, complete with a 11x3 prop. All in all it should be just the right plane to do what I want to do. Also, I'm told by MrWestonUK that if my "Rubbishy little engine" can handle it, I should be able to prop hang with ease. I don't know who he thinks he's fooling, The weston eurotech 36TIR is a codeword for Rip - Off and dodgeyness. Two thing that I have as problems are that the throttle is VERY twitchy so expo is needed badly (Rod and Emay). The other thing is the kit didn't come with enough bolts to fit all of the horns down with four each. But of course because I am a seasoned aeromodeller of 6 months, I have all the bolts (probably). Also, the builder in chief is an ex aeronautical engineer from the RAF, do I'm pretty sure it will fly!


This Sunday should be the maiden flight, with the wind at 5mph. The only niggle is my mum has the car, but we will work something out, I should think.

Roll up funfly, I am ready for ya!!!



See you at the field,



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