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C.A.M.F.C - Members & Visitors area

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OK, there is a lull on the Horus Beta front, so time to start a few info posts on FPV rules for CAMFC.


Firstly, to reiterate what was said at the Club Night, the currently more normal 5.8GHz Video Transmission band is ANALOGUE and manually frequency controlled.


YOU set what you will use, so if you clash with or even come within 20MHz of someone already flying and turn on transmission, YOUR ACTIONS could easily blind them, most likely causing an expensive crash and possibly injury if even less lucky.


SO, pay attention at the back you lot!


FIRSTLY, you should always ascertain what other people are using by asking them (at a time when you are not about to distact them!).


THEN you turn your receiving goggles/headset/screen gear on and check the frequency you wish to use AND those closely either side (within 25MHz). This is likely to mean switching bands as well as channels. If you are not the first on site it is YOUR job to ensure you do not offend!


I post below a chart I have adjusted from a worldwide issue found on RCGroups. I have cut out the options that are not UK legal, hence the grey band top and bottom, where (say) in the USA Racers E and F could be accommodated. The UK overall permitted range is 5725 - 5875.


There are conflicting Band lettering schemes, so do not use the "A1-8, E1-8" etc letters as definitive band indication, keep to the four figure number.


Those of us who fly FPV quads at CAMFC have set usual "pre-set and reserved" frequencies on this list from the four groupings, I am usually on 5740 (Red). We have checked our gear against each other for clarity/lack of interference.








A few simple steps will ensure safety, so please follow them! Enjoy.....................


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  • Club Members


That's a really helpful chart, thanks Dave.


Not sure I'm going to take this up any time soon though (not that it doesn't sound fun, more that I struggle with the flying I'm already doing!)


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