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Odd review of various "drones"

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But then it wasn't intended to promote safety, it was to show the technology's front edge both in development and what is now commercially available.


In reality they broke a number of current UK laws, and potentially gave credence to flying in areas that should not be. Wasn't long ago when the CAA managed a successful prosecution against a man who flew a multicopter into Alton Towers from the car park. Now the BBC show everone how easy and fun it is to do, effectively luring people towards doing it. No, they didn't SAY it was closed and not operational (you could see that if you wanted). They didn't say the permissions they (presumably!) gained to film there. They should face prosecution for inciting crime.


Just like a few weeks ago BBC were happily promoting really VERY dangerous flying at high altitude over a city with no permissions at all (the married couple on the roof garden film). They even interviewed the pilot on the basis of him being a hero and managing a wonderful picture - no mention at all about safety or UK rules. The pilot admitted the quad was out of range and was RTB on low battery....... passed off as just a normal part of getting that "magic shot!!"


Then only yesterday they have a major piece on national news about the rapidly increasing severity of drone incidents and likely regulation/extra laws, quoting numbers that were totally erroneous and flashing dramatic newpaper headlines "Drone hits plane landing at Heathrow", an accident that NEVER TOOK PLACE, as this was the "Tesco carrier bag" incident.


Stupid braindead journalists or manipulative management of the situation to help create much greater freedom from non commercial use of lower airspace to sell commercial airspace sub 400'? Your call.


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Some of the guys from my trade association (ARPAS-UK) have been in contact with the police and CAA about various breaches of the ANO and/or operators working without the CAA Permission for Commercial Operations. Long story short, the CAA don't want to know anymore as the police are now in charge of prosecuting offenders... and the police won't do anything unless someone is injured, property is damaged, or the offender is caught in the act. A YouTube video flying through the centre of London, etc, doesn't cut it anymore. Hooray :/

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