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Fusion "Equaliser" build review.

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Dear all, I am just writing a build review for the Fusion Equaliser EP Pylon Racer.




Hopefully, by the time I have written the review for the build, I will have test flown the little devil and be able to report on that too.




Some of you will know that in the past I have done reviews for the late RC Model Flyer magazine and also RC Model World. I hope you will find this review informative and helpful.




Uploading the photographs onto here will delay things a bit as I will have to reduce the size of the photo,s to post them on this website. Bit of a nuisance really, but unavoidable.




Here are a couple of pictures of the completed airframe, the motor, esc, and battery are yet to be installed.




Look out for the review on this post in the next two to three weeks.






Oily :wink:










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Dear all, I am just writing a build review for the Evolution Equaliser EP Pylon Racer.



Hopefully, by the time I have written the review for the build, I will have test flown the little devil and be able to report on that too.




Some of you will know that in the past I have done reviews for the late RC Model Flyer magazine and also RC Model World. I hope you will find this review informative and helpful.




Uploading the photographs onto here will delay things a bit as I will have to reduce the size of the photo,s to post them on this website. Bit of a nuisance really, but unavoidable.




Here are a couple of pictures of the completed airframe, the motor, esc, and battery are yet to be installed.




Look out for the review on this post in the next two to three weeks.






Oily :wink:


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Re: "Uploading the photographs onto here will delay things a bit as I will have to reduce the size of the photo,s to post them on this website. Bit of a nuisance really, but unavoidable."




Firstly, how do you reduce the photos? I use a program called Irfanview. http://www.irfanview.com/


This allows batch conversion to a pre-chosen size and format that will remain active for the next time, and is free.




Secondly, Don't know if you have noticed, but I never upload pictures here anyway, I put them to a website that allows them to be accessed (IF you have passed the link to them) anywhere, so one upload permits long term access by any person or organisation needing to look. I then just post the link for a picture and up it pops. One time action for any user. It also allows update if required, again one action changes all.



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Ah, don't let it get you. USB sticks are so cheap now I copy anything I don't want to do again to HDD AND also copy to USB stick or SD card in a USB reader as backup (also enables easy transfer to another computer).




Look back at your post two above, and you will see that the formatting for bold is not working, and its wrong because the first "b" has the closing bracket (which should be next to it) way down at the end near the closing correctly bracketed "/b". This looks like you are selecting bold, then trying to write between it? Try as I advised in my other post, write what you want, highlight it, then go and click on the bold button. (I just did this with the last part now bold).



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