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C.A.M.F.C - Members & Visitors area

Peter Royall

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Peter Royall last won the day on October 20 2019

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About Peter Royall

  • Rank
    Air Commodore

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  1. At last I finally finished building the Firefly after loosing the plywood motor mount which fell into the abyss of junk in the model workshop! I used servo,s reclaimed from a deceased Wot-4 foamie with wire pushrods, a 22D-28 electric motor with a pusher 7 x 5 propeller. the ESC i used to begin with was an 18A, but the motor complained and could only fly with 1/2 throttle. A larger ESC available was rated 35A, and this cured the problem. The Firefly hand launches with a grip on the outer wing and half throttle, Just bung it slightly skyward, and once airborne and stable, increa
  2. did you get this sorted Emma, I could have a look thru my stuff? Peter
  3. bring it all to the field in a box? Peter
  4. Car jumble to clear junk from lock up Ben. I,m home now if you want to pick up a battery, but I expect you are right and will be able to borrow something from the field Peter
  5. Sorry Ben, I shall be going to Bovingdon on Sunday, weather permitting, so unless you want to come to my house before then, it will have to wait until Sunday week? Oh, and I have to go to Guildford tomorrow at some point! Peter
  6. I have this file now, which I need to make a couple of ammendments and additions to satisfy comments that have been made previously. Oily
  7. would someone please check the airsoft diary page as apparently is no longer exists? Thank you, Chair. calendar does appear if one clicks on the pdf file.
  8. Dear Members, the Committee was asked to discuss matters arising from our use of Fickleshole field, namely the access track, a windsock and first aid kit box, and signage, amongst other things. In regards the track, it was concluded that interfering with the compacted surface with the advent of winter around the corner would be foolish and only lead to matters becoming much worse. This was based on past experience. It was decided, however, to review the situation again in March, in the meantime entering into discussion with the other users, Farmer, Clay shoot and Softball co. with a
  9. Former CAMFC member Dominic has for sale the following items:- DB Tiger Moth with 52 four cycle engine and radio equipment in superb condition, finished in red and silver. £250. DB Piper cub part built kit - nothing missing from kit, all parts there. £50. Futaba FF7 2.4 TX like new. £120, Heat Iron, £10 Flight box with panel, battery and fuel etc, £70 Rylandes designs Dork kit, £50. Parkzone Piper Cub, £40, Parkzone Spitfire, £40. Call Dominic on 07956 332687. Dom is a carpenter by trade and his building skills are second to none
  10. Hi Ben have you reported problems with logging in on the forum under the name Ben F ? Peter
  11. I knew Bravedan would have the answers - thank you
  12. It should not be necessary to remind members that there should be NO I.C. flying on Bank Holiday Mondays 28th April and 1st May. This is to comply with the by-law which is part of our planning permission to use the fields for flying (Croydon and Fickleshole) Many Thanks, Chair.
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