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C.A.M.F.C - Members & Visitors area

Fickleshole matters

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Dear Members,

the Committee was asked to discuss matters arising from our use of Fickleshole field, namely the access track, a windsock and first aid kit box, and signage, amongst other things.

In regards the track, it was concluded that interfering with the compacted surface with the advent of winter around the corner would be foolish and only lead to matters becoming much worse. This was based on past experience. It was decided, however, to review the situation again in March, in the meantime entering into discussion with the other users, Farmer, Clay shoot and Softball co. with a view to sharing the load.

New laminated signs are being made, but we need some fresh stocks of plastic sheet to attach them to. This stuff is expensive, does anyone have some laying around the club could have?

There are plans to attach a windsock to the top of the old oak tree stump in the near future, the last time we did it, it lasted for all of 3 months, so it might be worthwhile doing it again. Several members have their own windsocks and put them out if there isnt one out already. A windsock and a pole costs around 20 quid if you want to get your own?

As regards an iron box for a first aid kit, I can confirm that every time we do this at Fickleshole, it dissapears in double quick time. As a result the Committee feels this is just a waste of time and money, especially as many members carry their own first aid kits in their cars.

The Club Trailer is to be brought to the field on 28th October 2017 (weather permitting). The tyres will be let down so the trailer settles onto blocks, and can then be used for members uses. We will need some volunteers to help erect the Party Tent stored in it, in order to check condition, take pictures so it can be put up for sale for club funds. Please let us know if you would be available to help around that time, thanks.

I hope this will draw a line under at least some of the quieries, in the meantime,

Thank you,


eck condition

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