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C.A.M.F.C - Members & Visitors area

Advise please. Kill switch wiring.

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Any petrol members there?

I`m now completing my build of a Midwest Extra 300S which has been fitted with a two stroke petrol DLE 40cc twin and the standard ignition module. Power is from two separate 6.6v 1100mAh LiFe batteries. One powers the receiver and the other, the ignition. I`ve also fitted a Rcexl Opto Gas Engine Kill Switch V2 to provide what I hope will provide an auto kill for the ignition should either the receiver or the transmitter fail. A red LED is fitted which is part of the kill unit and a tachometer plugs directly to an outlet from the ignition module. RX power comes from one of those batteries in the normal way. Power for the spark ignition is fed via the kill switch. The model power isolation is via normal switch between the RX LiFe and the receiver. Upon switching to "on" the red LED as part of the kill switch interface illuminates. I`ve not yet been able to run the motor to check functionality of the kill switch. My question is this? If I turn off the transmitter with the RX still live, the red LED still glows. My quandary is, how do I know whether the ignition has been killed as a result of turning off the TX?

Typically, the instructions (see images attached) are in Chinlish (Chinese English) and are not terribly clear. You will see the two circuit illustrations. I have wired mine as non BEC equipped. You will also see a third illustration at the bottom of the image. This refers to some method of modifying the unit by re-soldering two joints. I`m not sure if that applies to my installation.

All in all, I`m a bit vexed and muddled. Could anyone please help clear my fog? I`d also add that as a newbie back on the model scene after forty odd years, the new transmitters and receivers are something of a mystery to me. I`ve noted that some sort of kill switch is mentioned within the programming menu on my Futaba 7C. Being rather clueless generally on this modern type of radio gear, some guidance would be appreciated if anyone could possibly please offer some guidance.

My contact details are obviously via this Club portal or direct on 07974 131127.

Thanks, guys.

Mike Kennedy.










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