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C.A.M.F.C - Members & Visitors area

Southern Model on the web

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Hi Guy,


Just getting everything "IT" together for the show and though I would post some details here to kick everything off.


I am bringing a laptop with full mobile internet to the hop farm and will be posting stories etc from the lead up to and from the actual show via a couple of routes. hoping to get a little more time to do this in 2010 as I believe we have a few more photographers etc this year.


I will be running stories, mailings and feeds on the main site as this is where most visitors turn up first but I will also be looking to use the following too..


The Twitter feed is on again http://twitter.com/SMASNews, this posts to Twitter but also posts to the SMAS website. If anyone has a Twitter client on their mobile and would like "tweet" interesting info from the live show, let me know and i'll let you have the passwords. looking for a couple of people here.


Next, I have setup a SMAS facebook group, http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/group.php?gid=160038014010736 I will sent invites to those on my friends list but if your on facebook please feel free to join, could do with a couple of "officers" for this group too, again give me a shout and i'll promote any CAMFC member who would like to help.


Lastly, send invites on the above to all your friends and family, I would like to build up a bit of community and see if we cant get a bit of a buzz going.


Any questions, give me a shout.





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