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C.A.M.F.C - Members & Visitors area


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About PaulC

  • Rank
    Master Aircrew

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  1. Welcome to the Simulators area - online also has a separate area to arrange sessions etc
  2. PaulC

    FPV Anybody?

    what happened with this project Richard, did you get it going ? Just looking at an Autopilot module using the processors I program for clocks etc. Paul
  3. Not sure if everyone is up to speed but we have a DJ for the Friday night pilots party, he does all sorts of music so should be a good laugh. Paul
  4. Hi Guys, Greetings from a hot and sunny Cape Town, South Africa, hope you're all well and not too cold (Mid to high 20's here this week). Been out here working for a couple of weeks but heading back to London end of next week in time for Christmas. Hope you've managed to get some flying in, see you "up the field" sometime in 2011 !! Happy Christmas and a Great 2011 to you and yours and hope Santa leaves you a large box of balsa. Regards Paul C
  5. Thanks Richard, When the traders register and pay they get the chance to add a URL for their website which we just transposed, it appears a lot have no idea what there website address actually is lol Fixed a few bits but not really much I can do to about the bad sites, if they want a link aimed at a part finished or Odd site then "C'est la vie" ! Regards Paul
  6. Darren got the shirts but they were done to order in a couple of batches. Defo worth dropping him a line to see if he has any spares.. Paul
  7. Hi Guy, Just getting everything "IT" together for the show and though I would post some details here to kick everything off. I am bringing a laptop with full mobile internet to the hop farm and will be posting stories etc from the lead up to and from the actual show via a couple of routes. hoping to get a little more time to do this in 2010 as I believe we have a few more photographers etc this year. I will be running stories, mailings and feeds on the main site as this is where most visitors turn up first but I will also be looking to use the following too.. The Twitter feed i
  8. How about a more honest logo ? Paul
  9. or alternatively, the Jim and Leon version.. Paul
  10. Attached is the new cleaned up version of the logo including the 1978 date What do you all think ? Paul
  11. LOL, that's what I started with but I couldn't find any info - anyone know what year we started ? also I wanted to avoid having 2008 in the title so was thinking :- Founded 19xx BMFA-xxxx Paul
  12. Hi Guys, what about this for the logo..? Paul
  13. Guys, Have a look on the www.southernmodelairshow.com site, I put a 'your comments' page on there and all of the comments received so far are - brilliant, loved the new layout - best ever etc etc.. Congrats to everyone who helped make it the best show in the UK, full stop. Several people mentioned branded T's, polo's and sweaters - if people would like them, I'm sure we could have a word with some people I know or Spiffys people and get a batch made up - All those in favour of investigating and/or would be willing to buy CAMFC branded kit please say 'Ey' Paul P.S. Chris, I
  14. Hi Peter, Looks like the bring and buy is going to be a bit hectic - in a week, the form to book stuff in to the B&B has been downloaded 50 times from the SMAS site ! Interestingly, the terms and conditions have only been downloaded 24 times Paul
  15. Just checked again now and were almost to 400 visitors today, 17,417 hits - if you look at the bottom of any page you will see a 5 minute average - the site has spent most of the day averaging 25-30 new people visiting every 5 minutes !! SMAS is now officially the busiest site on the entire network ! Sweet ) Paul
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