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Petrol is finally cheaper than glow

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DLE 20cc petrol engine (same size as an 1.20 glow engine) £130



1.20/30cc size model (global RC Extra 300) £200



When I look back and payed silly money for an Funtana and glow engine currently almost £300 for an Funtana 1.25 size model and £254 for an OS 1.20 size glow engine you can see the big difference.


http://www2.ripmax.net/item.asp?itemid= ... 80-010-171


As well as fuel cost and dirty snot fuel...................


Any way the plane and engine combo is in this vid..............£330 V £554 you make your mind up


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No I'm confused.......OK, so the Extra you list will take either a 1.20 Glow or a 20cc Gas, yes............?


So, I buy a SC120 2 Stroke for it for £156 retail, and it comes with a silencer that'll meet noise regs.


I buy a DLE 20cc for £219 retail, but will it's "silencer" actually silence to club rules? ........Dunno, but doubtful? So I add a silencer that'll make me club legal........at cost........


True you can find a petrol engine for sale at bargain prices, but then there is pretty furious discounting going on with either type. (SC120 AR is £125 at Servo Shop, first place I looked)


You could have a reconditioned/recall Ryobi petrol for £30 for example. (not that I would!)


Yes, you are right and like you I'd prefer the petrol for the cleanliness and low fuel consumption too, and it's got to come, but maybe not quite yet as clear cut on current pricing like for like?


Slightly off topic, my first radio set cost me £600 for 4 channels, servos that were rotationally handed, no facilities at all, and relatively poor reliability. Even the Tx I bought two years ago (at then quite exceptional discount) is being sold widely at £75 cheaper than that now.

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No I'm confused.......OK, so the Extra you list will take either a 1.20 Glow or a 20cc Gas, yes............?


So, I buy a SC120 2 Stroke for it for £156 retail, and it comes with a silencer that'll meet noise regs.


I buy a DLE 20cc for £219 retail, but will it's "silencer" actually silence to club rules? ........Dunno, but doubtful? So I add a silencer that'll make me club legal........at cost........


True you can find a petrol engine for sale at bargain prices, but then there is pretty furious discounting going on with either type. (SC120 AR is £125 at Servo Shop, first place I looked)


You could have a reconditioned/recall Ryobi petrol for £30 for example. (not that I would!)


Yes, you are right and like you I'd prefer the petrol for the cleanliness and low fuel consumption too, and it's got to come, but maybe not quite yet as clear cut on current pricing like for like?


Slightly off topic, my first radio set cost me £600 for 4 channels, servos that were rotationally handed, no facilities at all, and relatively poor reliability. Even the Tx I bought two years ago (at then quite exceptional discount) is being sold widely at £75 cheaper than that now.


Last time I checked 20cc is 1.22 cu in so yes the airframe will take that size engine in glow or petrol form.


Well through my eyes the SC engine is the Ryobi of the petrol world which is why I was comparing it from experience (I only used to use OS, YS and Irvines) so I think my points are still valid :wink: although the SC.52 4 stroke I inherited was an OK running I have never got along with there 2 stroke range. The DLE engines have been up there with the rest of the top brands in terms of weight, reliability and power, you can get cheaper (CRRC, JC and loads of other brands) but I only use what I know works.


As for the noise issue I rely on common sense, I have seen electrics that don't meet the club rules so buying another exhaust is not a factor (as can been seen on my Cub)


As for the discounting it is the world we live in, everybody wants took notch stuff for minimum money, but the saving is most defiantly in the fuel as in the 1st year along you will long offset any other cost.


Lets have a look at it, according to my maths my 30cc has a 12oz fuel tank size which is 0.34L, I can squeeze 20 min out the tank to bone dry so


5L / 0.34L = 14.7 flights

5L = £6.695 @ £1.339 per litre

14.7 / £6.695 = 0.45p per flight


So in laymans turn this works of 0.45P per 20 min flying time, last time I worked out how much glow fuel was per flight it was something along the lines of £3 per flight for a 1.20 size model but that was using 20-30%


So lets work it out


For example if we do a gallon a month (I do fly quite a bit)

£6.695 x 12 = £80.34 per year in petrol


Last time I checked glow prices it was about £20 a gallon so I will work with £15 per gallon

£15 x 12 = £180 per year in glow fuel


I think I will pay any extra in a petrol set-up and save on the long run, not to mention petrol engine need less fuel than the same size in a glow engine.


Case Closed

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