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C.A.M.F.C - Members & Visitors area

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Q hi chris what is going to happen in 102days time . A, THE SMAS 2012 IS . Q o great but how can i help out i have never been envoled in doing any thing like this before . A ,that is easy all you need to do is send me your name the dates you can come down to help out . Q,O great but what job,s are to be done chris . A ,if you are going to come down in the week from wednesday ,you can drive the mower,put up stuff ,mark out stuff ,have some tea ,have some fun. Q ,that sounds great chris but i may have to work in the week what jobs are there over the weekend for me to do. A ,LOTS AND LOTS, bring and buy,flight line,looking good for youtube(yes you will be on some one youtube vid) looking after lot,s of ppl ,go out on search and rescue missions ( lost kids). Q ,o my god chris i did not no that so much went on in the day ,but what will happen after the flying and all the ppl have going home on saturday. A ,O my friend this is when ALL THE FUN STARTS ,ever wonted to see night flying (flight line only),having a good knees up with the band and a beer or two ,chatting to some of the best in R/C flying and lots more .TO SEE WHAT FUN PPL HAVE HAD AND WHAT A FAB SHOW WE THE CLUB (YES WE DO IT ALL) PUT ON CHECK OUT THE SHOW WEB PAGE AND YOUTUBE .TTFN CHRIS :plane:

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to all members ,if you are going to help out at the show this year .can you email me so i no what day you can help out , a big thanks to you that have. you can phone or email me to and i will add you

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