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can i use wd40

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Warm it up in an oven to loosen any coagulated oil so it's hot but still handleable, then with the plug out and the prop on run a little light lubricating oil into the carb inlet and the plug hole.

If it then flips over by hand without locking, get it running over OK with a starter motor (watch out for sprayed oil!), then replace the plug and run it on fuel as soon as possible afterwards.

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oh ok thanx dan, i done that last night and today im hoping to start it around 1.


i cant start it in doors because of my son and becoz i live in a block of flats with ederly residents so id rather not disturb them :)

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oh ok thanx dan, i done that last night and today im hoping to start it around 1.


i cant start it in doors because of my son and becoz i live in a block of flats with ederly residents so id rather not disturb them :)


lol, give them hell! Just start it up :o LOL we start up turbines anyway and at any time :D

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can anyone figure this 1 out, the engine is blowing the fuel back into the tank rather than sucking it up.


I dont think the carb is blocked even though the fuel pools in the carb and spits out the fuel if i turn the prop in the opposite direction.


it does try to start but i dont think i can flick the prop quick enough for it to kick into life, i do have a nice battle scar where i tried to start it lol.

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From this:-


1. NOW we know you don't have a starter, do you!


2. How many turns open from completely closed do you have the main needle? Try 3 max.


3. With NO glow battery connected nor fuel line, but the plug IN, open the throttle fully and flip the engine over a few times.


Sand the prop to remove any very sharp edges. Use a piece of stick wood or dowel as a "chicken stick".


With an empty fuel line or spare pipe, connect the fuel line to the carb and open the throttle fully, then blow into the open end of the fuel line, you should hear air hissing into the carb............if not the needle is blocked.


Check the glow plug glows brightly out of the engine. If so, fit it.


Put a VERY SMALL amount of fuel direct into the carb inlet, and flip the engine over ANTICLOCKWISE, top of prop goes left.


Reconnect the glow battery, and give it a few sharp flicks..........what happens??

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well it seemed like the needle was blocked as i couldnt fully close it, got that free and i can here air coming throung the carb although its more of a gust than a hiss tbh.


The glow plug works fully, ive now put the glow ignitor on charge tho, ready for tomorrow.


No ur quite right i dont have a starter yet, thas/next on my list, i plan on buying that when i buy a kit to build (thinking panic bi-plane kit), but i will be paying for my insurance before that (this wednesday).

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