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anyone thought of building a seaplane

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hi all, i was wondering if anyone thought of or even just considered of building a seaplane from world war 2.


more specifically a martin mars seaplane.


as what im going to be doing is building 1 from scratch using plywood for the struts and basic structure with and sheeting with either ply or another hard wood and the fibre glassing the whole fuselage.


heres a picture of it:






heres the actual measurements of the real plane:


wing span: 200ft

wing width: 18.43ft

wing area: 3686ft2

plane length: 117.3ft

plane height: 38.5ft


and heres the measurements of the finished project (or im hoping for anyway):


wing span: 12.5ft

wing width: 1.15ft

plane length: 7.0825ft

plane height: 2.4075ft


this works out to be 1/16th scaling of the full size plane.


anyway, what do you all think of the idea.

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If you are into big planes! Then I would say your first port of call, would be the LMA.




I know you said you like making / building stuff! So i'm not sure how much skill / time you have had in building from a plan and starch? So maybe start of with a few Fair scout kits "mostly WW1" or Top Flite kits "mostly WW2" stuff then move onto Ziroli or Meister kits etc. etc.!

Its better to learn on the smaller ones, before getting onto the big stuff!


All I can say, its not all its crack up to be......sometimes bigger, isn't better! :? Building / flying large models is more like a way of life in the end!


I've seen a few big RC planes like that seaplane, but never flown around here. As there is no where to fly them. You have to go another 100 miles +s of the Weston Park for the BIG LMA shows :(

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