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Cambrian Fun Fighter

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Well, after the sad demise of my cambrian spitfire last year at the Effingham Fete (it was the 3rd one I'd made and un-made), I felt I just had to make another....


I normally knock planes out quite quickly, but this one has taken me a few months to complete (I did move house, get engaged, get robbed, make 2 ARTFs and a learn to fly my heli in the interim)...


So, almost ready to fly, here's a few pictures of my version of one of the most famous, recognisable and loved planes of all time.


As many of you will know, I don't fly my fun-fighter in a scale manner, the emphasis being on the fun part, so for all you purists I hereby apologise for the purple tuned pipe slapped on the side.


To everyone else, I hope you get to see it go before I stuff this one too... in fact, I hope you're there for THAT part too :D


Happy flying....




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So I missed his head off, but you get the idea.


Well you've got to have a pilot haven't you! - Even if it's only a little one.


Funny, I quite get into painting my chaps for the cockpits too.... I hate the rest of the painting - too messy...


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A couple more pics - done the cockpit canopy, rudder flag, leading edge stripes and white band on the fuselage.


Just the lettering now and some panel lines (a biro will do) and I reckon she's ready to crash!



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Looks good but too clean, needs to be dirtied up a bit. I find the permanent ink fine markers good for panel lines and an old pencil rubbed onto some sandpaper and applied by hand is good for that well used look.

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I agree it needs dirtying up - panel lines and some weathering to come after the lettering and before the final coats of fuel proofer.


I always put a coat on before weathering, cos then you can just wipe it off it you don't like it. - I use acrylics these days for paint effect cos they're totally inert (go onto anything) and you can wipe it off easily - also you can clean your brushes with water.


Watch this space (or come Thursday) to see the finished article.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well it had to happen sooner or later, but I had hoped it would be a bit later.


Suffered massive radio problems this Sunday resulting in the total destruction of the spitfire :(


I didnt even get a proper dog-fight in with Joes ME109.


The model is a complete right-off - in fact we never found the tail or most of the wings....


Got the engine and radio back, although I don;t think I'll be trusting the radio again.


What t build next? Another fun-fighter perhaps?


Watch this space.......

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  • 6 months later...

Hi John - nope - just build it as per the plans. I dont think Ive ever tinkered with thrust lines on any of the ones Ive built and I cant even remember if theres any built in.


Still you can always add some packing behind the engine mount after but I dont think you will need to.


I used an Irvine 25 on mine which was in my opnion perfect, although something smaller would fly her too.


The only advice I would add, would be as follows


The rudder is easily snapped off due to the large amount of soft vertical grain. I used to inset a couple of carbon rods lengthwise in the tail to stop this.

The underside of the nose takes a lot of stick on landing. I used to glass the underside of mine up to the wings to add rigidity. Also, its worth gluing the nose blocks on REALLY well as they will eventually come off.


Have fun.

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Well, they'll work I'm sure, just not as actively.


If I were you, considering how non-scale it looks and flies anyhow I'd just stick to the given design.


I added lines to give the impression of rudder anf flaps etc on my last one but to be honest its a lot of effort for a plane that you will just want to bang about with at max throttle. Well thats what I do anyhow :P


I have in the past even put a real rudder on but its really not necessary...


Its your call...

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  • 3 months later...
I really must make another one....


I've not head back from that man that had alot of planes for sell...e.g a CF SpitFire!

Will post later if I hear anything, but dought anything will come of it anyway!

One of them thing, a friend of a friend told them this :?

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you will have to get a new spit Jim i got the hurricane on order so we can take Joe out


I think Joe's 109e is all ready "taken out".....on take off!



Abit like the real thing, you could say!

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