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buy and build idea

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hi all, im in 2 minds here.


A local model shop/charity has a p51d mustang (scale size i think) and it needs finishing but mostly built.


It comes with whats needed to be finished and is equipped with air retracts, flaps and everything else i believe (no electrics from what i understand).


The plane costs £50 and im not sure whether to buy it or not.


I know this is a really advanced plane to fly and im still in the basics learning stage and i will have no intentions of flying it until im ready, however the mustang is a dream plane of mine as i love ww2 aircraft and im looking for a descent project so this is the questions;


1.) should i buy it.

2.) if so what would give the most authentic effect between a 2 and 4 stroke engine.

3.) would it be better to get a 2 or 3 bladed prop, remembering that im looking for an authentic looking and sounding plane.

4.) what is ur opinions on the price.


Thanks all

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Hi, how long have you been flying? war birds are extremely difficult to fly, I love warbirs I have a deagostini spitfire a p40 warhawk 71" and p51foam 42" , they are absolutelly hard to fly, the bigger the better the p51 foam is s..t to fly, the deagostini spitfire is unstable and not very precise at all, I would by something like and acro wot to start it flies beautifully and you will enjoy it!! lovebirds look great but they are no fun to fly!! Just my point of view.

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