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C.A.M.F.C - Members & Visitors area

Extreme Extra 300

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Ladies & Gentlemen I bring you this lovely bit of kit:






I have heard lots of good things about this kit & had been looking to get for a few months now. When I received it & opened the box I was a bit surprised at the lack of wood under the covering of the plane.




As you can sell it is a very skinny matchstick like frame & very, very, very light in weight. The build is amazing, every thing fits together mm perfect, no slop, no messing around. The instructions that came with it could be a bit better, but if you take your time & re-read them 10 times or so to make sure you are doing every thing right you will be okay.




Okay here is the progress on my build, I have CA the ailerons to the wing, cut the holes for the wing servos, built the front engine box mount & mounted it to the fuselage, mounted the supplied motor & ESC, mounted the front cowl,




I have put the landing wheels, struts, spats together & mounted them to the fuselage. I have made up the elevators & epoxy the horizontal stabilizer to the fuselage & CA the elevator to it, I have also epoxy the rudder fin to the fuselage & CA the rudder control surface to it. The tail wheel has been installed.




I still have to mount all the servos but I am waiting for a load of extension cables as micro servo leads are very short. I also need to pop to Avicraft to get them to crimp the wire for the closed loop rudder system. I need to mount the 12x6E prop along with the aileron & elevator linkages.




I was also amazed at how small this aircraft is, defiantly a clam day plane



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Looking good Joe, but I have never been a fan of the German WWII aircraft, but if it goes like Jimboy's Spitfire, who cares what it looks like :)


I am hoping my kit building for the year is done, I think I need a holiday for while.


I came home today & really wanted to fly my new Raptor & the Prangster, but instead continued with the Exta 300 build. I was watching TV whilst doing the servos & linkage set-up, I will need to take a trip to Avicraft at some point to get some bits.

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Anyway after saying I was not going to fly the Electric Extra I did. First flight gave me the confidence in her, with 70g of added weight up front I took off along the runway, as she lift I thought the tail fells a bit sensitive so I went straight into a low short right had circuit & done a nice landing, after the landing I found that I had been flying on full rates which is 45° travel on the control surfaces.


On the second take off I found with rates on I could not keep the tail down on power up, so it was back to full rates to take off then as soon as the plane was airborne straight into reduced rate. The plane fly like a dream, no sudden wing tip stall at slow speed, lovely vertical power, I even did some small knife edge half circuit.


On the third flight I had taken around 40g of the extra weight off & the plane was a lot more level during speed transition, I even did half a rolling circuit (thanks to Joes for the inspiration & sorry about your loss). Unfortunately 8 minutes into that flight I came in form the left, fairly slowly and at around 20ft above the landing strip, as the plane went past me towards the oak tree I went power up & pull up but the nose continued straight. The only choice was a harrier landing under the oak tree which was a success with only the prop damaged.


The cause of the power failure was the FlightPower battery had puffed a cell, on further calculation I was using a under rated pack (proven good 12C continues definitely not a 20C) & drew it past my calculated safety threshold.

The plane pulls approx 35Amps max & the FlightPower 11.1V 1800mAh Evo 20C should deliver 36 Amps max cont power, but at 12C on an 1800mAh it is only doing 21.6Amps so I should have calculated a bigger margin. Anyway I think I need some larger capacity packs (2100mAh 16C or larger) to handle the demands of this aerobatics goddess.

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