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Alpha 40

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Alpha 40 any opinions. I was thinking of taking up the hobby again (after a very long break) and was wondering if anyone has any views on this plane as a starter for me and my kids? Any thoughts are appreciated cheers

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Had nothing against H9 products, but recently they went through a less stable quality patch when switching some production from China to Vietnam. Might be out of that now, but I would not know!! I had a Twist 40 with numerous faults, none flight stopping, but including loose parts rattling around inside the wing, poor fittings which had to be swapped to better, over soft/thin skinning balsa being used, esp in the wing fixing zone, which for a 3D acrobat which is GOING to be stressed a lot, so is pretty disappointing.


I "audited" HH's support on it sending a support report for their attention and as one example without seeing it they stated that the loose items rattling around in the wing "were not structural and would not affect the flight performance"....when they could not possibly have known and should have instructed me at minimum to let a dealer check it over.


For less money, better wing design and easier availability inc easy spares, this is one that's widely used locally:-



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Hi nickcts,


For less money, better wing design and easier availability inc easy spares, this is one that's widely used locally:-


http://www.kingslynnmodelshop.co.uk/p33 ... _info.html


Speaking as a newbee, and totally new to the sport I choose the Boomerang V2, with a SC glow engine (46 size) and I have absolutely no complaints whatsoever! The kit comes with a tail dragger and electric conversion - all you really have to do is hinge the control surfaces, bond the wings and tail and most of the hard work is done. Its predictable in the air, quite draggy but flys really well, a million times better than something like a Prangster.


I would say the landing gear is a little flimsy (it crabs), I'd consider upgrading the wire one that comes with it and if your at Fickleshole BIGGER WHEELS are a must. As far as it goes with this trainer, I've had 9 flights on the buddy Box with it and if I broke it, I would buy this exact same plane again .. without doubt. :D


In the end though, its your decision but if your learning again perhaps, I would personally say that the Hangar 9 stuff is good quality and appears very well built and will really look at when it comes to getting a second/third plane but for training - maybe a little too expensive when you think it might end up in the oak tree ... :shock:


Shane :plane:

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