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C.A.M.F.C - Members & Visitors area

Pangster's day out

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Wind, rain, mist and you name it! Was the weather to day & all weeks. So there is only one plane for the sky's when its like that......Pangster time!


Only 2 pilots had the ball to fly today, one a foolish rookie and the other a nutter!.


The rookie learned alot of stuff to-day and as well is now going to take off his training wheels " orange bendy prop " for the next flight.


Also after the Rookie had a go on the Nutter's Pangster, and scairing myself half to death when doing a simple ail. row, that was like 10x faster & 10X more row's done than I could do with my one in 1 row.


I am now trying the Pangster with E-Ponits set to 140 baby! Feels like a hole new plane and don't fly like a whale in the air lol.



Nuts allso had a good time to "I hope", an-till some thing went missing.........




.......after a high speed run in with the ground!


Was found un-damaged 5 to 10 meters down the runway :o :-






Also now there are more hole for poor Alan to fill in again :shock: :-





Different angle :-







Leon did you and your Pangster make both holes.........If so please tell us how !?

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Plane back together and holes will be filled this eveing when the Prangster will once again fly.


Where was lots of sand up by the peg number holder thing, that Joe put there, but don't think its there anymore!


Maybe to may have made so many holes now that its all been used up!

Or the NewAddington lot, removed it to try and sell it..........

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Hmm as always about 1 hour after we got back, the wind & rain stopped and turned out nice........ :shock:


Looks like today weather maybe the only good day for along time! At the end of the week I think, the air strip will be like this :-







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Pangster day out 2 :-


Here are some photos of the Pangster day out 2 :-


Below :- The CAMFC Pangster aerobatics team get ready for a hard days training.




Below :- After we had done our group formation flying. Are No.1 Pangster pilot gets ready for his solo air display.

In the photo, you can see him doing his last minute checks and tweaks!





Below :- With in a bilk of an eye, John is pulling a Vertical climb! The Power to Weight is outstanding on the Pangster...... :shock:




Below :- Dusk / night time flying is nothing for John.........





Below :- As you can see from the photo below something had to give in the end!

Zulu was pulling 14+ G move all day long. In the end he did 1 to many combined blender & Waterfall moves!








Lucky we have top sponsor, and they will cover the cost's for the next Pangster day out!


Below :- Our top-notch test pilot "Jimbo" is seen in this photo flying the first ever prototype of the Pangster from 1918 :shock::shock:

This is a one's in a life time moment, not many have seen this before.......!

"Many hours of sweat & blood have gone into this model, to being it back to its full glory!"







Ok back to re-life mode......


Was another good day all round of us. My Pangster feels alot better with a real mans prop on :) . And now all I have to do is re-do my wing to a straight wing and all should be good.


Man of the day, go's to John :D ! He did his first ever solo take- offs and landing "about 3 of each" and way only stopped by a run in with the ground.


Leon had a bit of trouble with his engine after he try-ed to use it as a Caterpillar digger on the field from a few days before. Or was that because he was pulling high G moves !!!!!

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