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About aerowood

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  1. aerowood

    Miles Magister

    Dear Trevor, TX control Martin here.have a good think again about engine size.I now have Colin Agate,s miles and it flew on the Laser 100. I always like to over power my planes as a little bit of inbuilt safety. I do realise that engines are more powerful now,but the time you have spent building the thing wont be wasted. Im probably to late and you have alreasdy decided on the engine.HOPE it flies ok though Trev Regards Martin
  2. Darren, Thanks again for your reply. I think that,s a good idea as i will have the new servo bye then and at least it will give other people an idea as well. Well hope your family are ok and have a good holiday weekend. Regards Martin.
  3. Darren, I hav,nt any experiance with helis only flown a medivac and got on quite well flying it. Now i have this complicated thing that was recommended by a chap who flies in a heli club near Brands Hatch. Looks to me like its all carbon fibre tiny screws and wiggley bits. I have dammaged one of the pitch servos already but new ones are on their way. I think that i will leave it to someone who knows what they are doing although it was supposed to have been set up by Ali Machinscy. I suppose tha
  4. Dear, Darren did you find it easy to set your t rex up? I have just purchased one with jr gear and have now fitted a futaba receiver. Do you have to set up the esc first or the transmitter? regards Martin
  5. aerowood

    Miles Magister

    Trevor don't worry where you buy it the engines the most important thing if its new.The wing fillets looked OK to me on club night and if Peter said that they or OK that's good enough for me.I think you can make them from very thin ply after making the right pattern.Some kits do it like that.
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