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Everything posted by Bravedan

  1. It's the Daily Wail.................move on, nothing to see here...................
  2. In the last year I have experienced a rising level of new LiPo reaching me in unsatisfactory condition. Since 1st Jan 18 EVERY new supply received has had some significant issues. This from UK supplier/brands, Chinese supplier direct and from (different) Chinese supplier with UK warehouse, so it seems not to matter where the final supply comes from. Purely as an example, yesterday I received four 1300mAh 3S. As usual I immediately tested with three differing testers for positive confirmation, but as one is an ISDT unit that has been proven to be reliably accurate, I will only quote i
  3. Loosened hinges can be secured in a balsa wing by pinning through the complete wing/hinge, and running in some thin CA to fix the pin. I use model railway track pins. (OR done when new of course, not that you could in this case)
  4. Many years experience has led me to the inescapable conclusion that they don't glue themselves back, and are unlikely to complain .............................. 😜 (Put a tiny amount of oil on the hinge proper first in case the glue spreads)
  5. Can of Worms. Basically, the design allowed for landing lights which swung down under the wing near the inner ammo box (so NOT anywhere on or near the leading edge). However, there were several wing types (of internal structure layout, not things like clipped tips or extended tips), and of course lots of differing Mks. Almost immediately the plane flew it and night use was trialled it was found that the flames from the exhaust stack position rendered the pilot blind, and masking was impractical. It seems to me (opinion) that they tried several times during its service life to w
  6. As confirmation of how old No 4 is, I first heard it told featuring the Roman Legions against the Welsh 😜 The punch line was "It's a trap, don't go, there's two of them............................."
  7. When you look at all the things Red Bull are involved in, and accepting that we'd be worse off without their involvement, the profit they make from their drink is massive relative to costs. £6.06 BILLION revenue in 2016. Interesting fact that as last declared (the core business is unlisted) the F1 team actually made a small PROFIT.
  8. Bravedan

    Draining tank

    IMO it more depends on where and how you store your models. If stored somewhere that condensation through temp and humidity changes (inc overnight range) are high and especially with open pipes (vents, etc) then the risks are greater. Fire risk is another matter, for example your home insurance might be invalidated by storing fuel in it (in models). I have seen one policy where the limit applied was a tablespoonful of petrol or similar fuel! Personally I have never normally run engines out of fuel at the end of use, never emptied tanks, never used after run oil. And I use between 20-25% n
  9. Lots of confusion in the media over this. Some reports it was an A380. It was flight 1380 (might explain it!), listed as a 737-700 with CFM engines. Reports emerging of sheared blades, if true NOT a hub failure per se. Typical brain dead idiot things appearing, like the male passenger with mask held by hand over mouth only while he selfies and shows cabin on phone. More important to film it than to make himself safe.
  10. Too many variables for a simple blanket answer. If the u/c is good piano wire with impact absorbing non-bouncing wheels/tyres, rigid bolting with no shear is valid. If its a super rigid aluminium or carbon composition something has to give in the event of an over hard landing. Have seen people fit such small nylon bolts that the u/c falls off prematurely nearly every time, even where it then rotates and damages the wing. Yet they just replace and carry on to do it again. However, it has to be said that too many "pilots" never learn to land properly, too many resist ever practisi
  11. Word is spreading that Horizon Hobbies have effectively called a halt on Phoenix. What follows is personal opinion on this, and a suggestion. (I was an early buyer of v1, so Phoenix and I go way back!) Under the original programming team/ownership at the time of the change from v2 to v3, I spent a few months pre-launch as one of the Beta Test team. At one stage I had the program running across four very different computers with differing hardware and OS. I spent many hours a week on it (unpaid, before anyone asks!). Launch issues centered around hardware anomalies, with next to no
  12. Have a look for secondhand Heli stuff , something like Hirobo Sceadu, TRex 700, etc https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/TREX-700-ORANGE-LANDING-STRUTS-BLACK-SKIDS/132476002775?hash=item1ed82f61d7:g:9E8AAOSwnsRaYgRs two 4s 3000mAh .................... two 4s 3000mAh?? Are you going to sit on it to fly it??
  13. Hi Sevan, That is looking very good, I like the Fus style. I don't disagree with your figures, the only thing I'd say is that you need to make sure that your cell packs can deliver that current in ACTUALITY for as long as you need without going over weight in pack choice. Sellers are pretty adept at enhancing the truth! Mechanically it also looks OK with one reservation. I really do not like the apparently limited flex room given for the wiring from the rotating rear prop bar. I suggest a "loop" of cable to allow greater freedom. It's not only loading for the servos, its also
  14. EASA have been stating all the way through (since 2015 in fact) that they have been unable to find a robust way to split away any form of UAV flying. The hope is that CLUB activity where a safety record can be long proven can be negotiated out by the BMFA with the CAA as a "local" matter. Some of this has been hilarious in a cringe worthy way, as an example a couple of my contacts seemed to think that any legislation would not apply to Free Flight. I pointed out that if EASA thought FULLY CONTROLLED UAV flight even including geofencing, autonomous altitude management, etc, needed
  15. Did the consultations and much previous info pass you by? I had an EMail conversation with my MP a long long time ago now on this! It was obvious from nearly two years back when this all started that EASA would come out with what suited their masters desire to grab the lower airspace for sale to commercial operators, however that article you link is as well as being a day late and a dollar short a pretty poor reflection of where CAA and BMFA have been indicating they are working to gain the best solution including existing club use. And its NOT multi-rotor (potential) law, it's ALL
  16. HA HA HA!!! Think again, Easy Jet:- http://sandiegouniontribune.ca.newsmemory.com/publink.php?shareid=21b6bf2f6
  17. PLEASE, not a pusher, don't even mention it! There's a pusher jet turbine prop comes in and out of B.H. It is ridiculously and offensively noisy, I really do not know how the operator (and the airport) gets away with it. It is so bad that at the field you can always hear it spool up and identify it LONG before take off. Piaggio Avanti. Apparently the maker has spent years trying to quieten it with no success at all. The noise impact is far too much. Just as well you used a smiley there! On thrust alone for now, ignore duration, do the maths on how many "Elextra" motors wo
  18. Like Amazon and the delivery drones, this has nothing whatsoever to do with real world practicality,, and everything to do with gaining free advertising exposure, in this case using the lure of commercial electric flight, which of course they just have. Some bright young thing in marketing had a brain f*rt and the people who should have squashed it were off playing golf. Just do the maths. Try just two parameters, thrust required and duration required for. I can hear the engineers cringing from here.
  19. If you can get photos on here or a solid link, and an indication on weight, we may be able to help more thoroughly, but the "we" won't be me though as I'm about to go offline for a few days.
  20. Don't know the model and cannot get to see your pics. On 4S (nominal 14.8v) a running current of 23.2A gives in excess of 343 watts. Your figures of 27.4A means the motor on 4S is dissipating over 400 watts. Either way that is a long way past their max stated, as HK states their max power being 243 watts. You would need to be sure that the steady state running current would be below that by a margin, then (maybe!) a brief surge above might be OK In the words of Clint Eastwood "Are you feelin' lucky, Punk? Well, are ya??" I know the Suppo 2300kV 2212-6 mot
  21. Have you resolved this?? Since last post I have been sent a zip said to contain loadable v5.5 in toto. (Have not needed to test)
  22. Yea, but what, all the ones I have tried are either iffier than Phoenix or are trying to be flight sims rather than RC flight sims?
  23. Phoenix has now been offline for several days. This prevents updating, reloading of program, and multiplayer use. An enquiry by another group member eventually produced a statement that it was down for "server maintenance". Needless to say there is NOTHING on their website under "News", and nothing appearing in any obvious information transfer media. Please Email Phoenix Support and ask why the server is down and how much longer it will be so. A one line EMail is sufficient! Failure to do so will just concede and reinforce their willingness to leave it down or even possibly
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