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C.A.M.F.C - Members & Visitors area

Making a return after 15 years

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Hi guys,


I'm new to the forum but used to be a member of the club late 90s early 2000 ( where I was awarded 2001 junior achievement award) along with my dad Bob Ford.

Also his dad used to fly heli over at purley way many many years ago.


I have already put a post in the sale/wanted section about trying to track down a Hanno Magic, if possible the one my dad owned then donated to the club (with a bunch of other planes and kit, even an own design high wing twin that was nearly built)


As for flying I will be making my way down to Avicraft to see what leccy planes there are that would be suitable for Croydon flying and need to persuade my dad to get back into it.


Maybe see you guys around




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hi david,

I picked up the gear which your Dad donated many years ago.From what I remember most of the planes

went to various members of the club and the he proceeds went in the club coffers.

The majority of the planes were purchased by Gary Broughton who has moved fo Australia maybe Pete Royal has more

recollection of whereabouts of Hanno Magic but I suspect they were long ago consigned to the dust bin as Gary went through

models with great alacrity

Best of luck

Peter S


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Cheers guys, hopefully see you t the flying sites.


I've got no idea what's new at Croydon (restrictions etc) but have seen some kind of fencing around the field when driving past ( on the way to IKEA as always as the missus loves it there)


I had a feeling it would e a long shot to find anything but any help is appreciated, or even to just find another Magic ( which I've never seen before)


Cheers Dave


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You could always come up the flying field tomorrow! I am sure its are club Fun Fly comp this Sunday! So should be a lot of flyers there!


Weather did look bad afew days ago for Sunday! But now looking okish....maybe a little rain and abit windy :?



Edit The free/ pubic site at Croydon Aerodrome, is not what it once was.....due to many things!


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