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Is it a bird?

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Well, sort of.................... :D


EPP Eagle from HobbyKing. Maidened today. With hindsight I should have put a 2200mAh 3S in it to increase the weight, as that would have made the swirling breeze easier for it, and I am sure it would have flown more smoothly. As it was it flew with the much lighter 1300mAh used for static testing which would be good for thermal catching in the right conditions. It's taileron control.









On the second flight a seagull paid it close attention, and the parakeets REALLY did not like it, alarm calling furiously.


No Buzzards around today to see their reaction, or maybe they were hiding! :wink:


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  • 3 weeks later...
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HK do a ornithopter version. That is even more realistic

B :wink::wink::wink:


Well it might be more realistic because it wobbles its wings, but that tail and fixing (which looks disconnected in the air) is horrendous.


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That's rather nice. Can you put some brown paint on the white foam edges please?


Well, err................Nah!! You can't see it in the air, so IMO its not needed.


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So it has had one more flight on the 1300mAh, which convinced me it would help if it was heavier.


And so, today with a swirling wind going 5-15 and back again as soon as you blink, and from behind the pilots position, off to the field and a 2200mAh 3S was loaded.


I'm uploading a video from today as I write. YouTube says it will be available at:-




in about an hour (Please try and contain yourselves, and no peeking)


Its raw video of the whole flight, warts and all, just stored for the record and only the truly dedicated will want to watch it all, but look out for a bit of Wood Pigeon chasing and a meeting with a "Puzzled Buzzard".


The Buzzard is 04:50-05:50ish for those with attention span deficit.


Watch having set to 1080HD and full screen.


So, does it fly better for the extra weight? Definitely! I can't say I enjoyed its maiden or second flight, but today I did, despite the wind conditions being significantly worse.


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