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What lipo for club trainer?

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Hi All,


Shane and I have come across a tutor 40 converted to electric by Rod that we will be using for training. It is a trad’ 46 sized trainer and has a motor and esc. It doesn’t, however, have any batteries with it, and Shane and I have no clue what capacity or even cell count. I’m thinking a 4S 4500/5000mah. Does this sound about right?

Cheers guys,


B ;) 

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Sorry Ben, I shall be going to Bovingdon on Sunday, weather permitting, so unless you want to come to my house before then, it will have to wait until Sunday week?

Oh, and I have to go to Guildford tomorrow at some point!


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Well we have to get some rx's from rods for it anyway, so until then its staying asleep in my garage.

It has quite a big overlander motor, I'll tell you what later Em @ChasePlane

Would say see you all tomorrow, but its chucking it all day, so I'll see you all when I see you!

B :) 


p.s. And I wondered if anyone had some spare, but not broken standard servos they wouldn't mind donating to the club? I now have a wot trainer and a leccy tutor 40 for club training but they both contain very suspect servos. I don't mind how old they are, but I'd rather use some old ones taken care of by a club member than newer ones that have had a bad life.




B :) 

Edited by Pilot Ben
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