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C.A.M.F.C - Members & Visitors area

Considering joining, but fallen at the first hurdle.

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Hi Folks,

I've been trying to work out the decoder-wheel of instructions for how to join the club, but it seems that I've failed.

Step #01: The first step towards Croydon Airport Model Flying Club membership

Before applying to join our model flying club, we insist that you come to our flying field and meet the club, meet some of the committee and have a test flight with a club instructor too, to see if you like model flying and to find out more about our hobby. For existing pilots, we simply want to confirm your flying ability and safety.

Step #01a :Click here to Meet CAMFC (aka  Come to our flying field.)

Flying times at Fickleshole:

Fickleshole is our club flying site, located in Featherbed lane, Croydon. Entrance is to members and invited guests only and all members are issued with the gate padlock combination. Flying is permitted at Fickleshole 7 days a week from 10.00am until 9pm excluding bank holidays & Christmas Day(See Flying Times for full details). Sunday is the most popular day and most Sundays will find upwards of 30 people flying at the field.

I've been pondering how to come and meet the club behind a locked gate for quite a while now, so today I loaded our models into the car and took a drive out to Fickleshole to see if anyone was there for me to meet. 

Rather as expected, there was a padlocked gate preventing entrance, and as there is nowhere to park nearby, we couldn't walk past the gate to see if anyone was actually flying today.

Can anyone enlighten me as to how to come and meet the club please? Is there some particular time/date for this, or is it 7-days a week from 10:00 to 21:00.

I've attached a photo of one of the foamboard planes my 11-year old and me have been building during lockdown - We were hoping that we could show it off to a few club members as we're looking for some design tips.





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  • 2 weeks later...

I've had the same problem. I don't think that covid 19 has helped. I'm not sure when anyones there or even if i can go there because im not a member. I'm just a beginner and apart from Rob (avicraft), wing commander Emma and Mike K, i know no one to be invited up there. I've got to say thanks to Mike K who is taking me with him to watch him fly, not crashing hopefully ;-), on Saturday, weather permitted.

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  • Club Members

Hello Mick,

Nice to see you here.

This year is an odd one for us all. Covid has wrecked many plans and that of course includes the flying at UK model flying clubs. It is only in the last month or so that we have managed to get moving again and initially that was with tight limitations to the number of people on flying sites at any one time. Slight relaxation of lockdown and social distancing have only just begun to filter through. Falcon for instance are currently applying a six person limit at the field which has sometimes necessitated us posting our flying time proposals on Whatsapp so members have some indication as to whom might also be at the field when we wish to fly. With the restrictions came recommendations from the BMFA that we should not handle each others models, transmitters and other flying gear. Obviously that hit  club training significantly in as much as any instructor almost certainly will find themselves handling a pupils equipment and having to stand in close proximity to them whilst teaching them to fly. Obviously the situation has been and still continues to be rather irksome and frustrating. Hopefully matters will generally improve with time.

Now you are hooked up with Rob, Emma and myself, you at least have contactable people to converse with and an insight into what you can expect to happen once the country hopefully clears itself of the pandemic. Until then, then training activities are probably likely to be slower than normal at any club. Stick with us with a view that with luck, next year might be more conducive to learning to fly than it has been this year.

Keep this video in mind. This was me throwing the Ultra Stick around at the Croydon -Fickleshole field a few days after I passed my A-test last year. Thanks to Ivan Smith for filming for me.https://youtu.be/L6vphFPwPrA

Stay in touch.

All the best.

Mike k



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