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Glens 24% CAP232

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It flies .......


Not that you expect it not to.


Range check was fine, took a bit of time to get the fuel sucked up through the pipes and the idle was way too low, but once running a further range check was done with no problems.


With Joe acting as wingman and Alan on camera it was time for the test flight, gentle take off with a steady climb out showed that it needed lots of right aileron - something to look at later and a click of up elevator.


a few highish circuits and then a climb to test the stall, throttle to idle and more and more elevator. No drama it stayed nicely level and just dropped the nose when it had had enough, power on and recovery was virtually instant.


Then the engine cut, not sure if it was that low idle of what but time to practice those deadstick landings. It seemed to be slowing up quite a bit but when I got it over the threshold it was still moving. A gentle flair onto the strip shortly followed by a nose over off the end of the strip.


Unfortunately this broke the fin glue joint and out it popped. A field repair was possible but I decide to bring it home and check it all over before flying again.


In hindsight, the fin only glues into a 1/2inch slot which seems like a bit of a weak spot, I think I'll repair it with a couple of inches of dowel.


Photo's a bit later

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Build time was quick, if you had everything ready and nothing else to do I reckon you could do it in 2-3 days (15-20hrs).


The repair should be fairly quick too.

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