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Blade MCPX flight characteristics

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I got one of these micro helicopters for the indoor sessions.


I was browsing articles on the model yesterday and came across this youtube video on vortex effects which is worth knowing about:


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Vortex ring state..........never heard of that before, I have always called it blade wash and that was not blade wash he was getting. To get into blade wash you need to be descend in forward flight quite fast as your flair to a stop you end up in your down was.


All he done was descend too fast. when I do rapid up and down collective movements on my raptor (AKA as pitch pumping) the heli will descend quick than it ascends due plain old gravity, even though the blades have the same + and - pitch movement the heli weights a lot less on the blades in a downward direction than it does going upwards, you can actually play a catching game were you bang all the + pitch (upward) in and then go to 0 pitch and then back to + pitch trying to catch the heli from descending.

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So is it simply a case of Gravity vs motor power and pitch with Heli's?


I'm still totally new to this heli milarky sparky, so if some guy who can fly better than me said it was due to nuclear sunbursts or UV lighting, or my car stereo was on the wrong station, I'd be wondering if it was true.. :oops:


It sounds logical enough though, but cant decide if its this mortex vertical thingy or simply gravity vs motor/blade pitch...

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