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Old Warden Sept 2012

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I was driving a full loaded 5.4 litre 4 Cyl petrol 1930 bus around tight corners requiring full lock each way and constant double de-clutch changes. For more than four hours. And 6 others briefly, getting them out and parking them up at the end.


The cab "firewall" (complete with original 1/4" gaps all round the panels) got so hot you were burned instantly if you touched it. Helpfully the bare metal Mag cutout is on one panel.


This was on a road system down in a chalk pit out of any wind, and cab temperatures got over 40 C.


It is only possible to turn the steering wheel using BOTH hands and full arm power, but not at all possible below about about 3 mph.


This one:-



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On Sunday we ran 119 journeys using 4 buses at once from a pool of 16, with another 25 on static display. Buses from 2012 back to 1914 (one of ours). Where else can you consecutively ride a less than 1000 mile on its odo shiny new 80 seat bus, then a 1978, then a 1961, then a 1957, then a 1930, then a 48 seat 1914?


I did the longest stint with 1205 above as we had one scheduled bus not turn up and one of ours developed Magneto trouble beyond an in service fix mid day. (which will be my job next Mon!)


The average time between services was 3 min 24 seconds, with the longest gap in service (at the very end) being 6 min 30 seconds. Most services left the terminus fully loaded to capacity.


C'mon then Pete, tell us a bit more about OW, what was there we'd drool over, what flew best, what scared the pants off the crowd, etc, etc............you can tell us.............. :wink::wink:

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Just seen this post from Bravedan, and yes, I probably can elucidate, but I need to get past this Sunday first. There is a lot of things going on in my mind at the moment, and it is difficult to be clear!

This weekends debarcle is to blame, and the last 3 weeks have been difficult, not just for me, but for lots of us. I'm hoping it will all go away soon.

Just love the Southdown Bus! Please can you park it outside my house, so I can see it frequently? :lol:

Oily :wink:

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